Lager kit

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2009
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I started a geordie lager kit on the 4th October, however instead of making up to 40 pints i made up to 35, hoping for a little more quality out of it.

My S.G. was 1046 on the 4/10, it is brewing in the garage so things were getting a little cold and by the 11/10 the S.G. had only dropped to 1032. I added a heatbelt (which i robbed from a finishing wurzels wine) and things picked up on the fermentation front.

This morning 16/10, there appears to be no more bubbles coming to the surface and the lid of the FV has not bulged overnight; the S.G. today is 1012. The heatbelt is still in place and has a layer of insulation around it. The temp of the mix is 21 degrees.

This afternoon the S.G. remains 1012 - my instructions say it is finished 'when the S.G. is at 1005 or below, for 2 consecutive days', so i dont think it can be finished. BUT.... will my only making it up to 35 pints have an effect on the finishing gravity?
What extra fermentables did you add to the kit? In my experience, raw sugars such as glucose or sucrose produce lower final gravities than liquid or spray-dried malt additives. Reducing the brew length will also have increased the probable final gravity, I would be very happy with 1012 if consistent over a few days. Have a swig of the test brew in the measuring cylinder and if it's not horrendously sweet, go ahead and bottle/barrel.

Kit instrctions are just wrong . . . They always overstate the FG often by a considerable margin.

As Ned Says if you use spray malt or BKE then you can expect it to finish higher . . .Its finished at 1.012 though

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