laser eye surgery

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Dec 31, 2009
Reaction score
Falkirk, Scotland
Hi folks, I am looking seriously at having it done, assuming my eyes are suitable, and I can afford it!

I wonder if any of you have had laser eye surgery done?

My initial consultation (i.e. sales pitch) is next week, but in the meantime I’d be really interested to hear from anyone with experience of this.

What kind of surgery did you have done ? I know there are a few types out there.

Which company did you go with?

What was the correction being done (I’m mildly short sighted with a slight astigmatism in one eye)

What was the surgery like in terms of physical discomfort?

What was the recovery like – both vision and any physical discomfort?

Roughly how much did it cost per eye?

What were the results like?

How long have they lasted so far?

From the time of the surgery, how long before you could return to work (drive, read a computer screen comfortably)?

What is the aftercare like?

Would you do it again?

I know that’s a lot of questions, but oddly I don’t actually know of anyone in my immediate circle of friends, family and work colleagues who’ve had this done.... Thanks!
...I wonder if any of you have had laser eye surgery done?

Yeah, I had it done about 4 years ago... scrap that, I've just found the paperwork. I had it done on the 2nd of Feb 2006.

...What kind of surgery did you have done ? I know there are a few types out there.


...Which company did you go with?

Accuvision who were in Fulham.

...What was the correction being done (I’m mildly short sighted with a slight astigmatism in one eye)

Pretty much the same as you. I was short-sighted enough to need glasses for driving, watching TV, etc

...What was the surgery like in terms of physical discomfort?

Its not that bad. They put this ring-thing on your eye (microkeratome?) to flatten it slightly to allow the flap to be cut. That just felt like you were wearing swimming goggles that were too tight. I could feel the pressure behind the eye, but no pain.

...What was the recovery like – both vision and any physical discomfort?

I could see straight away, although they tell you to keep your eyes closed as much as you can for 24 hours. They put in a protective contact lens, so the morning after that was a bit noticable, but no discomfort.

...Roughly how much did it cost per eye?


...What were the results like?

Very good. I do have a little 'starring' around sodium street lights and LED break lights.

...How long have they lasted so far?

5-years and counting!

...From the time of the surgery, how long before you could return to work (drive, read a computer screen comfortably)?

I drove to the checkup about 23 hours after having it done :) I had it done on the Thursday and took Friday off work (but went for a checkup). I was back at work (sitting at a PC) on the Monday.

...What is the aftercare like?

With Accuvision it was very good. Checkups were arranged for something like day 1, day 1, day 7, week 2, 4, 8, etc.

...Would you do it again?

Yeah, if I needed to...
I'm still debating about having it done . . . I am very short sighted so cant have the cheap op . . . I believe I am looking at between 1000 and 3000 . . . per eye :shock: This particular op cuts a flap in the cornea which is folded back and then the surface underneath lasered . . . the flap is then returned in place, and it all heals up . . . I believe recovery is relatively pain free, and usually 'normal' vision occurs within a couple of hours . . . Rubbing the eyes is a big :nono: :nono: until the cornea fully heals though.

The cheap version of the op (for short sight below -5.0) they apply a local to the eye, scape the living cells off the cornea and then laser the cornea directly. (IIRC 375 per eye) Recovery is quite painful )I am lead to believe. Sort of like grit blasting your eye, and takes around a week . . . for mild short sight it is very effective . . .but as your prescription goes up it is less so. . . . They shouldn't do both eyes at the same time . . . and you will not be able to drive etc for up to 3 days following the op.

I've got all this off a few people I know who have had it done . . . and would have no hesitation in doing it again . . . The two main companies I know off are Optimax and Ultralase
Oh yeah . . . and with the cheap op there is the problem of halos around bright lights at night . . . sort of like driving in rain . . . which is supposed to fade with time . . .
Good info so far guys, thanks :cheers:

I'm initially going to Optical Express - but may try other providers depending how I feel about OE after that first visit.

I've been a contact lense wearer for about 20 years, but my eyes have called time on that (although I am seeing an eye consultant this weekend to see about that - but I don't hold out much hope having already seen one about the same issue almost 2 years ago :roll: ).

I hate wearing glasses, apart from the fact I suffer from excema and once the skin gets irritated where the glasses are in contact, it takes a LONG time to heal if the glasses are there all the time :evil:

I can put up with some discomfort, and I mainly commute by train with minimal driving, so starring effects/halo effects will be less of a problem to me (whenever I've heard these discussed as being a problem it's in relation to driving at night).

I see two main issues - my eyes are struggling just now after the latest attemt at reintroducing contact lenses - so surgery may have to wait a few months until they are fully settled - I don't know! The other issue is budget. I'll get some financial help from my family, but I'm not yet sure how much, and I have some avaiable from a recent bonus from work, but not thousands.... Depending on what I need, and what I can afford, and what finance they can offer, it is likely I can relatively easily afford the lower end of the procedures, but the top ones will be a struggle, or even out of range :whistle:
I had PRK about 10 years ago with Optimax. Can't remember what it cost.......but the pain.....agrrr....the pain. I remember that well. Painless at the time of the laser, but for days after....oh....the pain.... :cry:

I beleive technology has moved on a lot since then and now it is now pain free.

The correction has lasted well, my right eye (the second treated)is a good as the day it was done but my left has receded a little.

Good Luck

Had mine done 15 months ago, -7.5 both eyes cost £3000 total needed a top up in left eye worst astigmatism as had ghosting caused by remaining astigamatism. Now right eye 6-6 left eye now 6-4.

Went to optical express, had LASIK wavefront.

Second top up treatment 6 months later to finish job and would recommend it to everyone, at -7.5 I really couldn't see jack without glasses now eyes better than my contacts.

Wish I had done it years ago.
I had lasik by ultralase in manchester, best thing I ever did
£1000 per eye
no pain, mild headache for about 3 hrs after
-4.5 both eyes
optimum thickness cornea -very important factor as to whether you are suitable approx 25% are not.
Had it done about 8 years ago, was swimming in med of spain 6 weeks after having it done

Oh one side effect was that i kept on reaching for my glasses from the bedside table on waking for about 4 months which made me smile every time :lol:
man up :lol: :lol: :lol:

a day, or a week of pain, is worth it in my book to be glasses/lenses free :thumb:
prolix said:
Had mine done 15 months ago, -7.5 both eyes cost £3000 total needed a top up in left eye worst astigmatism as had ghosting caused by remaining astigamatism. Now right eye 6-6 left eye now 6-4.

Went to optical express, had LASIK wavefront.

Second top up treatment 6 months later to finish job and would recommend it to everyone, at -7.5 I really couldn't see jack without glasses now eyes better than my contacts.

Wish I had done it years ago.

Did not realise they could do anything for us -7 and worse.

Do you need glasses at at all now ?
My wife had it done about 8 years ago, she had to wear glasses from the age of 17 long long time ago :whistle:
Anyway both eyes done same day all good next day went for test endded up with 20/20.
she said it was good to see the time on the alarm clock without having to put her glasses on first.

Ultralase (Bristol) about £2000.
My wife had it done around 3 years ago - IIRC about £1000 total with Optical Express, she now has 20/20 vision. :thumb:

Her biggest complaint is that onions now make her eyes water, whereas she had contacts before which stopped it..
The only thing I can add to this is that my friend had his done about 8 years ago.
I don't know what condition he suffered from, who performed the op or the cost.....but my friend has consistiently said that it has been "the best thing I've ever done".

Hope it all works out for you BigYin :thumb:
Well, I had the surgery done yesterday. Intralase flap creation, LASIK Wavefront surgery. £2880 total bill.

24 hours later I have 20/20 vision in each eye independently, and better than 20/20 with them combined.

Very happy brewer indeed :mrgreen:
BigYin said:
Well, I had the surgery done yesterday. Intralase flap creation, LASIK Wavefront surgery. £2880 total bill.

24 hours later I have 20/20 vision in each eye independently, and better than 20/20 with them combined.

Very happy brewer indeed :mrgreen:

Glad to hear it went well for you! Was/is it relatively pain free?