My 1st social brewday - CRISIS HELP

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Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
South Ayrshire
I had a visitor from Jims come over to mine today for a looksee at AG. Michamitri is a bit of a Cider maker, not your TC but propper Zoider. And I thought it rude not to invite him over to share a brewday, he is going to reciprocate when the apples fall from the trees.
We went for a clone of Conniston Bluebird but as usual I made an **** of the recipe and only put half the crystal im so I have called this one Palebird.

50L OG 1.036 36 Ibu 90 Mins Mash 90 Mins boil
Aiming for 80% efficiency which is what I seem to be averaging
6.87 Kg MO
180Gm Crystal
84Gm Challenger 90 Mins 29ibu
41 Gm Challenger 15 mins 7 ibu

Beersmith told me I needed 67L into the boiler, but I stopped teh sparge at 50 L and added 10L of water. I boiled outside today and again my loss over 90 mins was 10L so thats only 6% loss to evaporation.... Mind you both elements were going flat out.
Somehow I managed to get a boilover with 60L in a 100L boiler but the rest of teh boil went smooth..... Flippin eck did I get some serious trub, Thicker than your average chav and greyer than John major,
The Wort is a genuine Golden colour. If the camera wasnt nackered I would show you...
Anyway we ended up with 45L at 1.039 . Did the beersmith sums and its telling me I managed nigh on 85% all in all a good old day...
Trouble is I went to the yeast cupboard and it was bare....... Schoolboy error I know But Michamitri had a spare Youngs ale yeast sachet with him so I blagged that off of him. I have no idea what that yeast will be like but I have pitched the bugger so time will tell. Does anyone have any idea what strain Youngs ale yeast is based on?
Should make a nice refreshing ale.
Current stocks are 2 cornies with Butcombe on to condition this morning. 32 bottles of butcombe conditioning and into week 2. 30L of TC bubbling away upstairs. and 23L ( my share of the brewday) of Palebird freshly pitched............... The beer famine is officially over
Wouldn't be a social brewday without a balls up or two :grin:

It's in the FV and pitched so that all that matters :thumb:
Frisp said:
I boiled outside today and again my loss over 90 mins was 10L so thats only 6% loss to evaporation....
Whilst we're on the topic of balls ups - 10 litres evaporated out of 60 is (10/60) * 100 = 16.7% evaporation, or 11.1% per hour (assuming linear losses ;) ) which is about the 10% usually quoted.
ano said:
Frisp said:
I boiled outside today and again my loss over 90 mins was 10L so thats only 6% loss to evaporation....
Whilst we're on the topic of balls ups - 10 litres evaporated out of 60 is (10/60) * 100 = 16.7% evaporation, or 11.1% per hour (assuming linear losses ;) ) which is about the 10% usually quoted.
Aye, solution never make calculations while nackered...... Doohp :oops: a little recalc on beersmith allowing for the losses for trub and cooling does indeed bring it in at around 10%
And even better its upstairs bubbling its little head off :party:
Ok peeps I drew some off to bottle up the excess and I thought "that tastes sweet" as I swallowed the gobfull from the syphon tube.

A quick hydromoter check an its 1018 and has shown no sign of activity for last 3 days and clearing fast. I have already given it a stir to keep it going, me thinks the Youngs ale yeast has run its course.

My question is will I get away with throwing some notty or 04 in at this stage I was aiming for 1010.

PS Apart from the slight sweetness the bugger tastes gorgeous so I dont want to keg it sweet and **** weak
Frisp thats odd, my last Kenny stuck at 18, It tasted lovely so i went with it into the keg.

Had I wanted to drop it down i'd have got it warmer, and pitched s-04 and stirred without splashing.

Your call :thumb:
my last Kenny stuck at 18, It tasted lovely so i went with it into the keg.
Aye but this started at 1039. ending at 1018 that equals just about jack **** alcohol at under 3%.
Just gave it another stir. If no life seen by tomorrow the 04 goes in....
Prepare the troops Frisp

Can you kick a starter off tonight with some spraymalt solution so that the s-04 army are ready to kiss some sweet ass?
:hmm: i thought it was a bad idea to do a starter with dry yeast, i can't for the life of me remember why :lol:
The crisis worsens...
The yeast army resides within ye olde brewshop ce soir...... Im gonna have to create some cunning plan and sneak off from work..... I did think that we could have a seige at the barbers next to the HBS but thats a bit over the top even for me ......
Mind you I did prime and bottle 8 pints and I have placed them in a fermenting bin clipped the lid on and placed a heavy weight on top........ If there is any life in the yeasties they might go off like grenades :eek: ......... Jeez Id like to see the wife's face if they did. :twisted: ........ She will smell like a flatuent hippo :sick:
:party: hey mention the forum to them and ask if they want me to send them one of our lovely posters?

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