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New Member
Jun 11, 2015
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Evening all,

Complete novice when it comes to home brew, however, being the 21st century and the prominence of youtube I thought I'd give this home brewing malarkey a stab!

Purchased the Coopers English bitter starter kit, and set my ever first fermentation stage off this evening (instructions seemed a piece of cake..hopefully not missed anything glaring out) - using the kit contents alone..steep learning curve from here on in.

Starting OG was approx 1.036 (is this reasonable?)..Pretty excited to see how this batch ends up, as it's my first ever attempt! Attached are a few snaps :)

What are everyone's experiences with Coopers kits? I've also got a Coopers European Lager kit to have a dabble with after the bitter has been devoured!!!





Hi Robbie, I think a lot of peoples start with the Coopers kits. I know I did. Try to keep the temperature constant which was a mistake I made with my first kit and I got a slight cidery flavour (Coopers Lager, my own fault, let the temperature go down to 14 degrees and then heated it back up again to 22) - I think an OG of around 1.040 is fine. Welcome to the forum and good luck with the brew
24hours later and we're still sat at 22degrees...happy days! Rock on summer.

Will keep you guys updated on my progress..intention is to leave it in the FV for between 7-10days (depends how patient I am, but hopefully nearer the latter of the two)!

Thanks for the warm welcome
Hi Rob, I do love the Coopers English Bitter, I bottled my second one last Saturday. I brewed one of them in February and it's a gorgeous beer. Read up on the how to section on the forum and you'll do great.
24hours later and we're still sat at 22degrees...happy days! Rock on summer.

Will keep you guys updated on my progress..intention is to leave it in the FV for between 7-10days (depends how patient I am, but hopefully nearer the latter of the two)!

Thanks for the warm welcome

Hello I'm at the stage of my first brew is bottled almost a week. And what I've found out on here is your brew is best left in the FV for at least 2 weeks. Which for the patience isn't good but if it will help your first brew it will be worth it. Good luck
I've been going between the Cooper's kit and Northern Brewer Small Batch Kit. Not sure which get, but I am pretty impressed with the Cooper's Kit.

I purchased the Mr Beer Kit a few years back and although it produced a descent beer, I didn't really get the fulfillment that I brewed my own beer.

Hopefully my next kit will be a better experience.
Bubbling appears to have subsided entirely now, so going to remove collar and leave until Saturday of next week before even contemplating bottling.

Things appear to be going well so far! :)

Need to pick up some sanitiser to clean out with so I can get my European Lager on the go soon (however, my only concern with this kit is the lower temps recommended to ferment..pretty warm at the moment) :(
Give your beer time, lots of time. You can have the odd swig when it's brewed but I guarantee your best pint will be your last. Also get another kit on as soon as your first one is bottled, build up a stock and it will stop you making my opening point.

If it's anything like myself, my first brew was horrible in hindsight even though I enjoyed it. I've just bottled my first all grain and I've a crystal clear Scottish heavy conditioning both of which I think will be great.

It's a great hobby to get into and not a steep learning curve.
7 days in and it smells and tastes like bitter...must be doing something right!!

First FG taken today at 1013, so will leave it a few more days to drop off abit..I have to note that temp has cooled right off due to weather - hopefully it had already done the business!

What finishing FG should I be aiming at? 1010 1008?


