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Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
11230 Ste Colombe sur L'Hers, Aude France
been out of the loop for a while, now reaching the 'give me my pension you b*st*rds' age' so looking to invest in a corny keg setup shortly, just put a SMaSH in using local hops - they grow wild around me here in S. France, no idea as to type or AA level so after a bit of research and the assistance of BeerSmith2 -

All grain - BIAB - starter vol 33ltr
5kg Maris otter,
500gms green hops added for last 30 mins of boil
saison yeast

coming out at aprox 25lt, in fermentation bin

expected to be around 4.5%

taste on putting into fermentation bin was hoppy but good :-)
Sounds about right. Wild French hops won't have been bred for high alpha acids. European noble varieties tend to be low alpha acids.
yeah, i would normally use up to 100g dry on a 33ltr brew of this type with a low AA, but all the advice i could find for 'green' hops was 5 x what you would use dry - so went for it - we shall see :-)

I wasn't thinking about the low AA so much as the vegetable notes you much pickup?

How long is the boil?
100g of dried hops has the same amount of green vegetal matter as 500g of wet hops, the difference is the water content.
just bottled it - resulted in 21ltr in the bottling bin, the trub had dropped out nicely so it was a nice clear pale gold. SG on bottling was 1.003 so came out a bit chunkier than I was targeting - measured up as 5.6% abv no worries, The taste test flavour was good, the hops were there but not overpowering, some fruity flavours and honey in the background. Now to see how it matures in the bottle. Going on that so far I will certainly use the wild hops again next year.

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