Take great care!!

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Oct 27, 2012
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Hi guys, this i suppose is a goodbye to this fine forum. I just got out of hospital yesterday. Lately id been suffering from shortness of breath and went to see my doctor last week. He sent me straight to hospital as i had an irregular heartbeat that was going through the roof. It turns out alcohol related, and the heart is damaged and enlarged. Im on all sorts of medicine at the moment, and if all goes well ive to return to hospital in a couple of months to get electric shock treatment to the heart to stableise it. Ive been boozing too much long before starting the homebrew. Ive been drinking over 40 pints a week. I have a chance of recovering from this, fingers and everything else crossed, and no more booze for me. So lads, take care and enjoy your beer, but keep your intake a lot lower than mine was,

regards billy :thumb:
That is so sad to hear Billy. I wish you well in your treatment and life.

I'll not make any comment on your drinking habits over the years, but would ask that ALL on this forum take head. Strike a balance, beer can be enjoyed without detriment to your health.

Good luck to you sir.....
All the best, hope you have a speedy recovery.

One side to this brewing hobby is you end you with a lot of booze and the temptation to over indulge is high.
Sorry to hear that, but thank you for being so brave to post that. I'm sure on a forum like this words like those will strike a chord or help others in similar situations even if they won't admit it so publicly.

Get well soon
Very sorry to hear about your poor health, I sincerely hope you make a full recovery. :thumb:
Yes I too, hope you have a very successful recovery. And wish you a very long and fruitful future. Look after yourself and also thanks for being so open about your condition with everyone on the forum
Thanks lads for all your kind words, it means a lot. Im focused on getting better, it'll take a bit of time and effort but i believe i'll get there. Maybe sometime in the future, i'll brew a 2% abv ginger beer lol, again lads many thanks, take care :thumb: