hello from manchester. im new to all this.

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New Member
May 3, 2012
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hi all nice site you've got here.

im totally new to homebrewing and have just gone out and bought the rest of the kit to go with a "youngs brewbuddy bitter kit", i thought it was all in the kit but £50 odd quid later im good to go (campden tabs, finings, beer enhancing sugars, airlocks werent something i was expecting to need or even knew of tbh i thought it'd be a quick hour of cleaning then brew then bottle, seems not) :D

ive got myself a "coopers english bitter" kit aswell and am going to mooch through the site seeing which one's the best to go with as a newbie to brewing.

so ermm ta for having me good people :cheers:
Hi Bert

Welcome to mayhem, this hobby can get a bit of a grip of you :roll: hope your first steps into brewing are successful, you'll certainly find plenty of info on this site, don't be in too much of a rush, you'll need a bit of patience, beer gets better as it matures :thumb:
Welcome Bert to the world of Homebrew! For me its turned from "something I'd like to try out" into "something I think about most of the time"!

Trusting that that hasn't put you completely off the hobby hope to see you on here more and more!
Hey Bert

Four words of advice... Sterilise, Sterilise, Patience and Patience

Welcome to a great hobby :thumb:
Baz Chaz- cheers man. ive a feeling it may get a grip of me tbh, i love a few in the evening :drink:

cononthebarber- ta for the welcome :) ooh i may have a bit of a problem initially if beer gets better with age, luckily ive got the two kits to go at so with luck i'll be able to hold some back to mature.

polophil- thanks for the advice pal. the sterilise sterilise part ive not got a problem with, suppose the patience will need to be learnt :hmm:

alanywiseman- im good at panic :grin: cheers for the welcome yeah.

greysalchemy- hey man :) im in broadheath at the mo, im from stretford though. cheers for the welcome.

charlie-mead-face. - thanks for the welcome mate, brilliant name you've chose for yourself there :thumb:

Vossy1 - ta for the welcome fella :) i hope the "on the rise" bit wasnt a city related pun (a humble red here hehh) :whistle:
bert said:
greysalchemy- hey man im in broadheath at the mo, im from stretford though. cheers for the welcome.

Not a million miles away from me in Sale then, However I brew in eccles. :thumb:
dennisking- thanks for the welcome man :cheers:

greysalchemy- sounds good having an offsite brewery, i'll see how these first two brews go before commiting myself to premises :)
Darcey - thanks for the welcome fella :) , theres a lot of locals on here it seems :D

3ibb3 - ta mate :cheers:

well im sterilising stuff tonight and going to put my water in a clean container with half a campden tab so i can get brewing tomorrow. first off im off to the supermarket for a few nice beers in nice bottles :drink: , cant wait to see if my brews are nice enough to become self sufficient :D
Cononthebarber said:
Welcome Bert to the world of Homebrew! For me its turned from "something I'd like to try out" into "something I think about most of the time"!

Exactly the same for me!