Litter and fly tipping.

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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
We see this often in the Lakes and it makes my blood boil -

Clean Up Britain
The sign says… “Beware of thieves” in 5 languages.
It should really say “Sorry this country looks like such a dump” in 5 languages.
This is the A42 in Leicestershire.

Fly tipping seems to be getting worse and at least part of the solution (to me at least) seems so obvious... Stop making it hard for people to dispose of their rubbish.

Our household waste / recycling centre still insist you have to book in advance. If you go there in a van you aren't allowed in (regardless of whether it is household waste or otherwise) without paying a significant fee.

Remove the booking system and fees and I guarantee more people will use it.
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Fly tipping seems to be getting worse and at least part of the solution (to me at least) seems so obvious... Stop making it hard for people to dispose of their rubbish.
Our household waste / recycling centre still insist you have to book in advance. If you go their in a van you aren't allowed in (regardless of whether it is household waste or otherwise) without paying a significant fee.
Remove the booking system and fees and I guarantee more people will use it.

As usual it comes down to money, our council charges £30 to take 3 items if people (especially businesses) were allowed to take items to the recycling centre for free who pays the people who work there and to dispose of it which costs a fortune.
As usual it comes down to money, our council charges £30 to take bulky items (i think 3 items) if people and especially businesses were allowed to take items to the recycling centre for free who pays the people who work there and to dispose of it.

I think it all comes down to psychology.

If you paid for it out of your council tax (which I'd assume a good chunk of it already is) then you would perceive each trip to the recycling centre as 'free'.

But put a £30 or whatever charge on it and the whole perception changes. It's no longer 'free'; it's a very visible cost that you could choose to try and avoid by fly tipping.
It seems like there's more litter lately.
Not sure if it's just because it's winter and so the litter usually hidden by foliage is visible, or if there really is more. There seems to be a lot of it
If you paid for it out of your council tax (which I'd assume a good chunk of it already is) then you would perceive each trip to the recycling centre as 'free'.

But put a £30 or whatever charge on it and the whole perception changes. It's no longer 'free'; it's a very visible cost that you could choose to try and avoid by fly tipping.

Part of your council tax pays for household refuse collection not for bulky item to be collected from your address, if free bulky item collection was to be implemented they would need to buy extra vehicles suitable to collect these type of items as bin wagons are not designed for that purpose and they would also have to employ people to do the job, as i said above its all down to money if they did this and put the council tax up to cove the cost all those that do not use the service would be up in arms about the additional cost.
It seems like there's more litter lately.
Not sure if it's just because it's winter and so the litter usually hidden by foliage is visible, or if there really is more. There seems to be a lot of it

People just don't seem to care anymore, when you go into our town centre on a Friday and Saturday morning many of the bins look like this fortunately our council pays for the town centre to be swept and the bins emptied so few ever see it but i bet a lot of councils cannot afford to do it and places will look like this until the working week starts again.

Part of your council tax pays for household refuse collection not for bulky item to be collected from your address, if free bulky item collection was to be implemented they would need to buy extra vehicles suitable to collect these type of items as bin wagons are not designed for that purpose and they would also have to employ people to do the job, as i said above its all down to money if they did this and put the council tax up to cove the cost all those that do not use the service would be up in arms about the additional cost.

Perhaps I didn't make my original point very well.

I wouldn't necessarily expect the council to come round and collect those bulky items.

But at the moment it's almost impossible (in our area at least) to take them to the waste/recycling centre unless you can fit them in your car. If you use a van you are forced to pay a fee as they treat it as commercial waste.
But at the moment it's almost impossible (in our area at least) to take them to the waste/recycling centre unless you can fit them in your car. If you use a van you are forced to pay a fee as they treat it as commercial waste

I get that but as I said who pays for manning the collection centres and disposal of the items, the fee you currently pay for those items to be collected pays for the disposal there is no profit in it and that's why our coucil uses a contractor, I think the price is far too high and if it was half that more would use it.
In Ireland we don’t have free bin collections and the local council recycling centre is pay by weight.
It’s €14 for a black bin and €7 for a blue bin. And a charge for every kg over the set weight. We also pay property tax similar but not as high as council tax and fly tipping in the countryside is terrible as people can’t afford the fees.
Oh and it’s also illegal to burn your rubbish
I get that but as I said who pays for manning the collection centres and disposal of the items, the fee you currently pay for those items to be collected pays for the disposal there is no profit in it and that's why our coucil uses a contractor, I think the price is far too high and if it was half that more would use it.

I'm still not sure I'm getting my point across fully.

If I have an old dishwasher, mattress, etc. and I take it to the centre in my car it costs me nothing.

If I can't fit it in my car and use a van instead I get charged.

It's nonsensical, as presumably I've already paid for the service through council tax hence it being free when I go in the car.

So what happens when people don't want to pay for a second time? They fly tip.

The main problem is the assumption that van = commercial waste, which simply isn't true for all cases.
I'm still not sure I'm getting my point across fully.

If I have an old dishwasher, mattress, etc. and I take it to the centre in my car it costs me nothing.

If I can't fit it in my car and use a van instead I get charged.

Last time I went in a van I just had to get a permit, which I did online 5 minutes before arriving at the site. It was still free. They went through the back of the van to check what was in, and dropped some stuff on the floor in the process which was annoying as the stuff they dropped wasn't waste. I agree though it is a hassle. The best solution is cut it up into tiny pieces and put it in the household waste 🙃 the dishwasher you could probably chuck in the local steel scrapyard
I'm still not sure I'm getting my point across fully.
If I have an old dishwasher, mattress, etc. and I take it to the centre in my car it costs me nothing.
If I can't fit it in my car and use a van instead I get charged.

DOH my fault there is the recycling centre where you can take things free vans need a permit to stop them taking commercial waste and paid for collection which is run by Right2work.



DOH my fault there is the recycling centre where you can take things free vans need a permit to stop them taking commercial waste and paid for collection which is run by Right2work.

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Phew! Thought I was going mad for a minute! :laugh8:

Tried to use my Dad's van once and because it had trade logos on they wanted to charge over £100 as it was 'trade waste'. He is from a different area so no point him applying for a permit for my local centre.

It was actually just household rubbish from moving house. We ended up doing multiple trips in the car instead.
I get that but as I said who pays for manning the collection centres and disposal of the items, the fee you currently pay for those items to be collected pays for the disposal there is no profit in it and that's why our coucil uses a contractor, I think the price is far too high and if it was half that more would use it.
there are often nappies strewn along the marsh road I cycle on, which clearly isn't BUSINESS waste 🤔unless it's a childcare business or childminder doing it so I think it's the policy of not accepting certain kinds of waste of charging for it that leads to this behavoir. If is is free to dispose of generally whose who would do the the fly tipping are paying for the extra cost of allowing the free disposal are already paying for waste disposal via council tax. and if there are so badly off they don't pay council tax they probably don't have a vehicle to allow them to fly tip OR pay for someone to do it for them?

This is different from the Mcdonalds yoof fans who I have seen throw waste from their souped up old Seat Iziba for a laugh of course. (they are most likely part of the it's fun to drop a glass bottle out of the car at speed brigade)

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