2nd time newbie

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New Member
Mar 12, 2011
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Good afternoon all.

I'm a 2nd time newbie, as I originally tried homebrewing beer back in the 70's when kits were available from Boots. So now you have my rough age!
I'm now trying home brew (beer) again - just to see how many mistakes I made the first time - and because somebody bought me a Young's bitter kit for Christmas!

I initially expect to work with kits, to get some confidence and understanding of what I'm doing, and maybe then become a bit more adventurous.

My kit - I have started with a King Keg (top tap), a standard fermentation bin, hydrometer, thermometer etc. So the Christmas present has already cost me another £50+!

I do have a question already - so will search the forum and see if someone else has had something similar. If not, you 'll see my name on the main lists in a few minutes!

Steve T
Hi Steve, we are of a similar age and I`ve been brewing since that time. I`ve never done kits but from what I`ve read on sites they are a lot better now days. My late Dad used to brew with Boots kits and must say I thought they were awful. Good luck the rewards of this hobby justify the initial expense.
I recall my original attempts not being toooooo good either, and then it seemed that home brewing went out of 'vogue' anyway.

I think the person who bought me the The Youngs kit I got for Christmas thought it was 'self contained' and had all you needed (like those old brew bags - just add water, things).

Anyway, I'm on the home brew road again. Quite enjoyable so far and the first brew is just ready - I have a basic problem with it though that I have posted on the main pages.

i did a boots kit in the mid 90s just before they stopped selling them and it was enough to put me off, 'til two years ago when i come across a coopers real ale kit beer, it was great! and now im all grain :cheers: