Always seems a little trite to post on intro, but I''ll do it anyway.

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New Member
Jan 25, 2016
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Ah. what to say. Always seems a bit hackneyed this part of a forum, lots of people saying hello. Does anyone read them. I guess I'll find out.

Anyway, I guess hello would be a start.

Not a complete novice at this by any means, though I mainly brew such delights as WOW, and the occasional disappointing Wilkinson's kit. You know the kind, lacking in body in the same way that many women on TV seem to aspire to having the figure of a 10 year old boy ;)

I'm bit dangerous on WOW since it's cheap as chips, so I would like to try some all grain brewing on a modest scale as in my experience, I tend to drink less if I drink quality. I haven't bothered with extract brewing for some time as I always found them a little lacking, and to be honest a decent enough and fairly comparable (to extract kits) beer can be had for very little from the likes of Aldi and Lidl. Got to love German supermarkets and their natural affinity for the Reinheitsgebot

So there you have it. I'll post my related question in the right section. What else to say, climber, fell runner, martial arts enthusiast. Previously a rugby player though I'm at an age now where if things get broke they tend to stay broken so I've left that alone for a while now. All the sports have there own risks, but for the former three they are mitigated a little by the various safety measures we take.

There is a theme there though - a few jars are generally associated with them all. Got to love sport and beer.

All the best.
Welcome aboard! Still climbing? I've got to the stage where V.Diff is, well, V.Diff (mainly because I can't get my legs to go as high as they used to!)
Welcome :hat:

I think its good manners to say hello and a little about yourself and experience when you join a forum, you wouldn't go to a hobby club and just walk in and sit down without saying hello.
tl;dr ;)

Only joking, welcome to the forum.

I will be asking questions later. There will be a test next week. :lol:

Welcome aboard! Still climbing? I've got to the stage where V.Diff is, well, V.Diff (mainly because I can't get my legs to go as high as they used to!)

I climb with the kids mainly, at the moment just indoors though I plan to venture out to Stanage next summer. From what I've been told you drop a grade or three outdoors, so a V diff is likely a mere pipe dream for me.

I am also potentially the fattest climber in N.E.Derbyshire (and maybe further afield), so I am somewhat gravity challenged in any case. What I lack in ability I try to make up for in derring do. It's fun in any case, but I'll never win any competitions (at climbing or running for that matter, maybe the MA though).
Welcome to the forum :cheers:

This forum may be a little trite but it gives new members a place to break the ice and it isn't compulsory.
you wouldn't go to a hobby club and just walk in and sit down without saying hello.

Might depend on the hobby though, e.g. manhole spotting club :lol:


Now where do I know him from?

That actually was my first thought when I clapped eyes on that pic. I am a little biased as although I'm not really Tory leaning, I do share a lot of values with them, but my first thought probably says a lot about Labour's choice for leader.

I didn't think it was possible to come up with a more unelectable (or undelectable) leader than Ed!
Welcome Esquid. There's a great how to thread by clibit on doing a simple AG with minimal kit. I think a lot of us have gone over to the dark side after giving it a go.
Yeah, I saw Clibit's post there as a sticky and that's what I'll be starting with. Keep it simple stupid (as it the saying goes).