apple juice

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Active Member
Apr 21, 2012
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hi all
new to all this so forgive if i ask somthing silly.
have searched forum but can not find the answer.
have made a kit of cider and it is in the keg.
i want to make some from juice wich i intend to bottle.
i was in tesco. apple juice value range in cartons on the shelf 56p litre.
in chill cabinet 76p litre both from concentrate.
can i use the cheapest or is there a differance, could not see if there where any preservative in the cartons.
what do you think?
It just needs to be free from preservaties, except for vitamin c which is fine. There isn't a huge difference because fermentation burns off a lot of the flavour and goodness you associate with cheap and good apple juice. Individual brands do give different flavours, maybe someone can recommend a cheap brand from experience. Mine is bubbling away from cheap asda juice as we speak.
I have used asda and Aldi both 56p.

To make a good cider from carton juice you will also need to add malic acid at 1 tsp per gallon and tannin at 1 tsp per gallon and if you want clear cider 1 tsp of pectolase. Also using cider yeast is best. Once it is fermented it is best leaving it for 2-3 months as this will improve the flavour immensely. If you don't you will have a rather insipid flavourless drink rather like cheap white cider, a shadow of what it could be if left. Cider undergoes chemical changes when it matures giving it most of its flavour.

If anybody does know the difference between the two juices I'd like to hear it.

In 2 minutes I've thought of:
From different concentrates
Different dilution levels from one concentrate
Different levels of pasteurisation
The chiller one isn't pasteurised
One's pasteurised, one's homogenised
A cynical marketing ploy
with ref to the malic acid.
the recipe i have does not have it, i looked it up and it says gives a crisper taste which i would like.
the recipe i have says add yeast nutrient pectolase and a very strong cup of tea (i take it that is the tanin)
will it be ok to add the acid or should i follow recipe
well, it gives a crisper taste, which you would like - so yes! :p
Tea is indeed for the tannin. I use powdered tannin, either are good. It adds a bit of bite to your cider.
thanks for that will put it in
didnt know if it would react with other ingredients and do nasty things
nah, you're all good. if you do make cider from apples, you need crabapples - the small ones - to add the malic acid in, as not enough is found in the larger ones. it's completely beneficial to add it!
Once you have added it you need to mature it for 2-3 months to get the benifit. It will under go malolactic fermentation and look as if it has gone off but trust me it will be fine.
