Beer Brewing Software

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Active Member
Dec 15, 2013
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Do any of you use some form of brewing software to track recipes, brew batches (assuming you dont follow the recipe 100%) etc?

If so, what do you use and what are the 5 best features about it?

I'm actually looking at building up a website which allows you to not only offer features which are covered in the most popular apps but also allow you to hook your real time data into the site. For example if you have a brewpi or something similar then I'm actually wanting to allow you to report data back to the site.

I'm looking at first building the site for myself plus a handful of people to assist in the "what the hell is that" features and to then open it out to the general public. This will be a free site and I'm looking at getting a couple of friends to also assist in the website build in return for beer to get the site up and running quicker than just myself doing it.

Background for myself is that I work for an industrial software company which we have a number of large brewery companies under our belt using our software. This is my main interest and I love automation, building websites is a side hobby and I want to look at bringing all different aspects together.

It'd be great if I could gain some feed back on what you like and dislike about the software being used, also the whole "it'd be great if I could do....."

Thanks in advance :)

I use beer smith and it does everything I want so five best features would be hard, but I'll list a couple.

Water calculator
Inventory thingy

Down side is I think the user interface isn't just poor, it's dreadful and really dated.
+ 1 for Beersmith. It is so easy to scale a recipe to a particular piece of kit and also substitute hops and grain.
Atm I use brewmate on the pc and find it good although i want to be able to do the same on my android tablet. And all the free software out there is OK for building recipes but doesn't have the features of water additions for mash and sparge.
I've got Brewmate and Beersmith. There's no doubt that Beersmith is the more powerful bit of software BUT I actually use (FREE) Brewmate more often because it's quick and easy and (for my setup at least) seems to work just as well.
I recommend giving Brewmate a go first, it's free after all, what do you have to lose?
I really like Brewpal on my iPhone. It works perfectly and means I can put recipes together anywhere. Also I don't need to fire up the PC on brew days.
I started with Promash a long time ago but moved over to Beersmith last year.
I had tried BS previously but struggled with the interface.
Eventually decided to change as BS is a live product, gets updates and has thousands of recipes you can download.
PM is a dead product.

...and if you watch the website there are usually a couple of SALES during the year.
Last Feb they were offering a 20% discount so works out really good value if the $ is favourable as well.

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