BIAB single hop Simcoe brew day

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Look at you with yer smart-**** bottling wand. ;-)

Loads of people detest bottling. I happen to think it's one of the greatest privileges known to man. The best a man can do. :drink:
Have fun! Rows of lovely capped bottles of Simcoe ale about to spring forth into the world! Hallelujah!
After I've capped my bottles I always leave them in the the corner of the kitchen for a bit, before I date label them, so I can admire them - loads of little beer soldiers all standing to attention :-D

There's something really satisfying about completing bottling.
I quite like bottling. I use the little 330ml bottles I'm using for my 10L AG batches because it looks like there's loads :-D
You have to get in the zone. And realise what is happening. Something very profound is taking place. It's like being a midwife. :D
I am a bit OCD, I think as I had to buy my bottles so they were all the same! Caps for each batch have to be the same colour too! But then I can admire the uniform batch of beer I've made, whilst wondering if I should get out more.
The actual Bottling and capping I don't mind apart from the last two bottles which are usually more dodgier test bottles.

What I hate is the usual tidy up after, clean the siphon and old FV, its the same when making a brew the clean up after I hate.
The actual Bottling and capping I don't mind apart from the last two bottles which are usually more dodgier test bottles.

What I hate is the usual tidy up after, clean the siphon and old FV, its the same when making a brew the clean up after I hate.


When the bottles are done, but the clean up is yet to begin. Because at this stage i've had enought. At this point I open a beer from a previous batch to spur me on.:whistle:

When the bottles are done, but the clean up is yet to begin. Because at this stage i've had enought. At this point I open a beer from a previous batch to spur me on.:whistle:

My Wife is a nurse who works night shifts.. and leaves for work at 7pm

I make sure I start my beer stuff (apart from mashing) after she leaves.. I would hate her to see the mess I make. Grains/ flour.. some bits of wort on the hob (not even boil over) sanitised water which slashes on the floor (even with the use of towels)... and don't even get me started on hop debris :lol: