Brewferm tarweiss beer kit

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Oct 25, 2013
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First of all apologies if this is in the wrong place I did search but couldn't see anything related.
I am a novice with only 1 batch of wherry bottled but I like Belgian beer and have bought a Brewferm wheat beer kit, I have a couple of questions if anyone would be so kind as to help:-

I would like to add coriander and orange flavourings to the brew and I have some curacao chip things and some coriander seeds and want to put them in to try and emulate a Kronenbourg beer I tried last year, should I just chuck them in or tie them up in a muslin bag or something?

Also I intend to bottle them in 1 litre bottles and I understand that the sugar amounts can be a bit hit and miss, I have carb drops, some brewing sugar and of course the household stuff, the instructions seem to say batch prime with 750g of brewing sugar (kit is 15 litres) and then bottle or am I reading it wrong?

Thanks for your patience and any recommendations for any Belgian beer kits would be appreciated as well.
i brewed that beer a month ago!!! i only add spraymalt and sugar. i only add 750g mix dme (50%) and sugar (50%).

when i bottled i add 150grs to the brew in the fv2, give a stir until was no solid sugar, then bottle!!i did my carbonation test, and had a good carbonation. :thumb:

Cheers, yes i misremembered, the 750g of sugar is for the initial brew, what is a carbonation test please?
YES, CRE, was that!! i craked a bottle to see how the carbonation was going!!!

it is my first brew too :D

Thanks! Rui did the brew take long to start fermenting, mines been in about 6 hours and it's not bubbling yet, i pitched the yeast at 22-24 slightly warmer than suggested and its currently at 22 which is well within the right range.
It can take at least 24 hours to start seeing activity but dont rely on your airlock. Unless there is a tight seal you may not see any airlock activity at all.

Look for a foam and bubbles on your brew instead, and take hydrometer readings.

Im unsure with this type of beer but 22c sounds a little high... is this the temperature of your beer, or the ambient room temperature? If its the room temperature, get it somewhere a little cooler. Beer will ferment at 2 or 3 degrees hotter than room temp as it's exothermic. This higher temperature can cause off flavours.

Thanks very much, I'll move it to the dining room which is usually about 18', I vaselined the airlock rubber seals and its the same one i used with my wherry and that bubbled, must be a tad warm, cheers.
Just moved and checked inside, there's about 1"+ of nice white foam on top, quite tight bubbles rather than a loose foam. Must be working :)
Cheers will do, it says ten days but i think I'll leave it two weeks as its at a lower temperature.
you do it well, patience is the best quality to this quit ;)

good luck with your brew


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