Don Simon WOW

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Active Member
Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne
I've just bottled my first WOW and I'm that impressed I thought I would post the recipe on here.

1L WGJ (I used Asda)
1L Don Simon strawberry, orange and red grape
900g sugar
1tsp pectolase
1tsp glycerine
cup of strong tea (tannin)
3/4 tsp marmite dissolved in half cup warm water
(for the nutrient)
packet of Wilko Gervin wine yeast.

I dissolved the sugar in 1 and a half pints of water, added the fruit juices to a 5L PET then sugar, tea and glycerine. I topped the PET up with water as per Moleys how to WOW (actually all this recipe follows Moleys - muchos kudos your a star). Chucked in the yeast and the marmite and Bob's your uncle and Fanny's a rude word. :eek:

Took aprox 3 weeks to ferment out (not a warm house) and got a 0.990 reading. Even though it is still in it's Pampers stage it is quite dry but very fruity and drinkable. I've backsweetened it with strawberry Ribena/water and it is superb if i say so myself. just hope I can leave it in the bottle for a few months as it will no doubt get better, will have to find a hiding place hahaha.
Lezli :drunk:

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