E-Petition "Drop the October Beer Tax" Unfair Beer Duty

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Apr 13, 2009
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If you didn't know, some new beer taxation came into effect this month http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/news/news-120911.htm
Bigger breweries get a tax break on 2.8% beers and ALL breweries and drinkers of beers above 7.5% get Stung on the **** big style.

The higher tax is to stop problem drinkers from buying Kestrel Super Strength and sitting in the Park getting smashed.... Ask yourself how beers like that compare to Britain's vast array of micro-brewed wonderful strong craft beer? There is no contest!

I would urge anyone who cares about Good / Craft / Strong Imported beer to sign the petition at https://submissions.epetitions.direct.g ... ions/18346 get your friends and family to do it too, and if you really feel strongly about it go to http://www.writetothem.com punch in your Postcode and tell your MP and MEP's why you think the new taxation is a bad thing.

All that might take you 10 minutes or less and save the Hoppy-bacon of those lovely strong Belgian ales, American Double IPA's, and a whole host of great British brewers beers from being Tarred with the same catch-all brush which won't help tackle Binge drinking and anti-social behaviour.

You can also find my replies from my MP's on my blog **************************/2011/10/08/a ... -beer-tax/

Thanks :) Now... of you go... Click and Type! *The Cider Industry had their Taxation changes repealed, we can help*
Similar to McAskill's pish up here I presume .. All a ploy to charge folk more money for the same stuff and nothing else!

Disguised as "good for public health" but whatever happened tae freedom of choice if I want "oot ma banger" on horrid White Cider then surely that's MY CHOICE?? There's VAT on it therefore the government gets more funding tae plow intae the NHS tae keep me, so when Heart Attack time comes and given that it will probably come relatively quickly (I'm currently 26, so within 25 years) I'm cost effective if I croak then too!

Amazingly with all the SNPs measure tae make us more responsible the one drink which price didn't increase was Buckfast which was most amusing after the TV Witch hunt!

However this appears to have had an impact already I saw Rolling Rock ( a late teens favourite) and Labbats in ASDA both next to the non alcohol stuff at a mysterious 2.8%

Will read more on this tomorrow, right noo am off tae ma scratcher..
Sorry to be controversial but it's not to cut the problem of people drinking. Did you know that if you buy a bottle of smirnoff for £22, over £10 of that is tax? That's just greed, and the idea of "bargain booze" is what makes people drink more alcohol faster. It's taxed because people won't go without it, same as petrol, cigarettes, same reason that big casinos are taxed a ridiculous 50% after £4.8m on all profit from gaming alone, a separate tax on top of their bar/restaurant/entertainment profits.

Then look at Italy, who make their wine as readily available as water and let children drink it, and then look at their binge drinking problem. thought not.
RobWalker said:
Sorry to be controversial but it's not to cut the problem of people drinking. Did you know that if you buy a bottle of smirnoff for £22, over £10 of that is tax? That's just greed, and the idea of "bargain booze" is what makes people drink more alcohol faster. It's taxed because people won't go without it, same as petrol, cigarettes, same reason that big casinos are taxed a ridiculous 50% after £4.8m on all profit from gaming alone, a separate tax on top of their bar/restaurant/entertainment profits.

Then look at Italy, who make their wine as readily available as water and let children drink it, and then look at their binge drinking problem. thought not.

It's sold to us like that though. Education is what's needed. Get a few adverts featuring formerly talented youngsters now unemployed in their mid 20s and remind everyone how they ruined their potential football/singing/acting careers or whatever because they NEEDED to drink every weekend when they were 14 or 15...

That and more should be done to keep kids busy away from drink. (A gigantic task admittedly but more has got to be tried). Everything should be about choice but ideally any choice made is an informed one.