Grapeless WOW

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Active Member
Apr 13, 2020
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Hi all,

I’m a new guy around here, and have read almost the whole of the WOW thread along with numerous others.
I’ve finally got all my brewing stuff and am keen to make a WOW.
The only issue I have is that I couldn’t find and grape juice!

I've got apple, orange, cranberry, pomegranate and a tropical mix.
Has anyone made a grapeless WOW that tasted good?
I’ve read the main issue is a lack of body and perhaps a cider like taste due to the use of apple juice.

looking forward to starting my first brew and learning from my mistakes, as well as you lovely lot!
I haven't made juice wines without grape juice but many members have, give it a go but I would advise you not to use orange juice for your first it could put you off for life.
Luckily the wife has just come back from the shops with 3L of RGJ 🥳
Time to get brewing!
I haven't made juice wines without grape juice but many members have, give it a go but I would advise you not to use orange juice for your first it could put you off for life.
Do these sound ok?
Think I worked out sugar correctly

Demi 1

1L RGJ 140g sugar
1.5L Apple 170g sugar
Added sugar 790g

Demi 2

1L RGJ 140g sugar
0.5L Apple 57g
1L pomegranate 43g (only 35% juice hence added apple)
Added sugar 860g

I think there right, add up to 1100g.

then I’ll add 1tsp of each of

And a mug of tea!
Citric acid

hoping they will work!
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Can you check the sugar content as that seems more than double of what i would have expected. the RGJ @ 140g is what i would have expected.

I have just realised Iread it as 43g per 100ml not the 4.3 it says 🙈

thanks Chippy


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I thought it was a bit high.

I have edited the original recipe thumb

If you haven't already bought it you can ditch the Citric acid and Glycerol/Glycerine they don't really add much to the flavour or mouth feel, i stopped using them many moons ago.


This is a commercial term. When there is more than 95% glycerol in a product, it is known as glycerin. Though the chemical term for such a sample should be glycerol, for the usage glycerine is commonly used. However, glycerol is the chemical term which shows the exact compound in the sample. Glycerin is used for most of the uses as states above under glycerol. But since, glycerin doesn’t contain pure glycerol; it cannot be used for some of the purpose where pure glycerol is needed. For example, when treating cuts and burns, pure glycerol is needed.
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Made 3 brews!

left is a Robinson’s squash punch from this forum
Middle is the apple and grape wow
Right is the grape apple and pomegranate wow

fingers crossed they ferment!



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Made 3 brews!

left is a Robinson’s squash punch from this forum
Middle is the apple and grape wow
Right is the grape apple and pomegranate wow

fingers crossed they ferment!

Looking good keep an eye on the orange coloured one they have a tendency to try to leave the DJ.
Looking good keep an eye on the orange coloured one they have a tendency to try to leave the DJ.
The WOWs are bubbling nicely, the punch isn’t bubbling in airlock yet, but it may be a poor seal on the PET Demi?
The WOWs are bubbling nicely, the punch isn’t bubbling in airlock yet, but it may be a poor seal on the PET Demi?
Yes both of my PET ones have poor seals but I know they are fermenting.
Have to look for the little bubbles up the sides
1 week update

Think the punch is done, will bottle at the weekend after taking a hydrometer reading to be sure.

WOWs are still bubbling away and they’ll get another week.

Is the “froth” on top normal? They had both already foamed and it had all subsided, but now this is back?



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Also see from looking at your pics you have left a DECENT airspace at the top of your demijohns.
This is good.
A lot of newcomers fill the demijohn completely and end up with there own personal volcano:laugh8:

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