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    • jof
      jof replied to the thread Cheap long term storage - bigger....
      You could also keep your eye on eBay, as there seems to be a slow but steady churn of micro brewery kit on there.
    • jof
      jof replied to the thread Chippy Tea now a luxury.
      They are around £10 a head at my local chippy in Surrey when we split a large chips between 2 of us
    • jof
      jof replied to the thread New brewer questions.
      Nothing stopping you brewing in smaller batches. Some people on here use 2 can kits that way with 1 can per batch. I think it will...
    • jof
      jof replied to the thread Re-bottling?.
      Um,plastic bottles & squeeze when putting the lid on so no oxygen at the top, only co2 that comes out of the beer?
    • jof
      jof replied to the thread Problem with Brewzilla extensions.
      Do you have a false bottom option to use with a grain bag? You don't want the grain bag to touch the heating elements.
    • jof
      jof replied to the thread Changes to SMASH.
      @MashBag But, but, that's not a SMASH cobber 🦘. You've got wheat malt in it, so no longer single malt. 😂 Don't you poms understand what...
    • jof
      jof replied to the thread Problem with Brewzilla extensions.
      I feel your pain. I have the same problem from a different manufacturer to the point where I am seriously considering reverting to BIAB...
    • jof
      jof reacted to prog99's post in the thread What are you drinking 2024. with Like Like.
      Brilliant, scotch ale.
    • jof
      jof replied to the thread New Member.
      Mit anderen Sprachen sind wir sehr schlecht, daher verwenden wir Google Translate
    • jof
      jof replied to the thread BIAB water help please.
      Start with working to the perceived wisdom and get a feel of how it all works. Later you can change your process a little to see what...
    • jof
      jof reacted to Hazelwood Brewery's post in the thread What are you drinking 2024. with Like Like.
      After a few glasses of best bitter I’m now having a glass of port. I’m not an expert on port but I’m enjoying this very much.
    • jof
      The practice of bottling towards the end of fermentation in order to get a fizzy drink is kind of old style homebrewing. Of course it...
    • jof
      jof replied to the thread Jasmine wine????? Will this work?.
      If you want a 6 month wine, I used to make blackberry & apple with foraged blackberries & 3l of apple juice per demijohn. The earlier...
    • jof
      jof reacted to obscure's post in the thread What are you drinking 2024. with Like Like.
      A very nice Loire Valley White.
    • jof
      jof replied to the thread My mead is horrible! Please help!.
      You will end up with sediment on the bottom of everything you bottle carbonate. As you have found this can be a problem if the yeast is...
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