Home Brew Forum Competition - October 16 (winner)

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May 3, 2016
Reaction score
Ok first a big thanks to DoctorMick and the other forum members for setting this up.
I'm really pleased with the results as the method of my brewing is very simple and it shows that good beer can be made by all with out tons of kit.

So the recipe is tweaked Greg Hughes black ipa malt bill and my hop bill.
BIAB and no chill(I recently read an article on the web that said you cant no chill IPA's)

pale malt 6k
choc malt .225
roast barley .170

70 min boil
citra 20g FWH
cascade 20g FWH
Apollo 30g @ 50 min
irish moss tspn @15 min
citra 10g in cube @80c
cascade 10g in cube @80c
citra 30g dry hop day 5
cascade 30g dry hop day 5
simcoe 30g dry hop day 5

mashed @ 65c for 50 mins then dunk sparged @74c for 15 mins

OG 1056 FG 1012 5.7 abv

Ferment at 18c with mangrove jacks m44 yeast

The beer was drunk six weeks after bottling which is lucky as early on the roast barley was quite harsh! but seemed to mellow out with the hops as time went on.
What's your no-chill method, or do you just let the boiler cool until at a pitchable temperature?
I'm gonna add this recipe to the to-brew list (with a slight tweak as I don't no-chill) looks great:thumb:
Do you know how many expected IBUs it was?
Mmm citra, cascade and simcoe dry hops, that was always going to be a tough one to beat :drink:
Well-done! Recipe looks great. Will also have a go! 😁

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I'm gonna add this recipe to the to-brew list (with a slight tweak as I don't no-chill) looks great:thumb:
Do you know how many expected IBUs it was?

I'm not sure how no chilling and FWH hops affects the IBUs but my back of a fag pack calculations was 60
Mmm citra, cascade and simcoe dry hops, that was always going to be a tough one to beat :drink:

Quite funny the plan was just appollo bittering then cascade and citra nothing to over kill due to the malts wanting to shine. Then at dry hopping a packet of simcoe fell out the hop box and I thought what the hell!!
having a dry hop that wasn't in the flavour or aroma really worked on the finished beer:party:
What's your no-chill method, or do you just let the boiler cool until at a pitchable temperature?

I bring the hops forward by 20mins, all the late one I mess around with between FWH, in the cube below 80c and dry hopping.
Then I just use a cube to drain the wort into which I put a tight cap on and chill over night. Its normally below 80 after 10 or 20 mins when I had more hops.
I really like it at this time of year as the wort is super cold in the morning and then you have to bring it back to temperature in the house for the yeast.
I actually get really clear beer this way more so than in the summer when its only dropping to about 18c over night.
I'm going to have to back track a little on my last comments about the "really clear beer" I just started on my latest batch last night and its not very clear!
@Leon103 if your reading this my pale ale is meant to be a bit hazy or if it clears its not:wink:
I'm going to have to back track a little on my last comments about the "really clear beer" I just started on my latest batch last night and its not very clear!
@Leon103 if your reading this my pale ale is meant to be a bit hazy or if it clears its not:wink:

Ok but expectations are high after your win.
Can I ask (Probably naively) what is a cube?

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This link explains all and is how I brew