Inconsiderate parking.

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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
Inconsiderate parking makes my blood boil and it seems to be on the increase.

I was sat in the car in ASDA car park yesterday waiting for SWMBO to return when a young lady decided to abandon her car in two spaces instead of one, she made no attempt at reversing back out to get the car into one bay, she got out looked at the huge gap and walked off as if it was OK to park like that aheadbutt

Inconsiderate parking makes my blood boil and it seems to be on the increase.

I was sat in the car in ASDA car park yesterday waiting for SWMBO to return when a young lady decided to abandon her car in two spaces instead of one, she made no attempt at reversing back out to get the car into one bay, she got out looked at the huge gap and walked off as if it was OK to park like that aheadbutt

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That's what inside her head looks like.
That's not that bad of an example in my book, seen a lot worse.
now I'm a grandparent I try and borrow our grandson as often as possible for a wider space.
It's not usually enforced anyway in a supermarket car park, I've occasionally parked in them when there was nowhere else to park
Inconsiderate parking makes my blood boil and it seems to be on the increase.

I was sat in the car in ASDA car park yesterday waiting for SWMBO to return when a young lady decided to abandon her car in two spaces instead of one, she made no attempt at reversing back out to get the car into one bay, she got out looked at the huge gap and walked off as if it was OK to park like that aheadbutt

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The car parked to the right of it also seems to be parked at an angle 😂
I wasn't excusing it, but the one on the right is badly parked and the one on the left is inconsiderately parked. 😉
I took the picture Dave there was nothing wrong with the car on the right it was in the bay straight and between the lines.
I took the picture Dave there was nothing wrong with the car on the right it was in the bay straight and between the lines.
The front wheels are clearly further to the left and not straightened up.
Some people can't park straight, they're the ones who park badly.
The driver you highlighted may well be able to park correctly but chose to park inconsiderately.


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Many moons ago, pre-Christmas shopping madness (remember those) the local Asda car park was choccer, so drop off the family and I scout for a parking space. Now I have always prided myself as being able to get into almost any space ... and I did, it was so tight I could just about get out the door (was slimmer in those days!). When I came back I found a piece of A4 with the message: "you coud'nt find a tighter space then - so annoying"
Years ago when Mrs Clint was in the family condition I had to take her quite rapidly to the hospital....there were absolutely no parking I dropped her at the door then proceeded to park "off road" not in the way more in the bushes.
I had a proper crappy sticker left on my window OFF the hospital parking gestapo saying not to do it!
I wouldn't have minded but I bet half the cars owners were off in town shopping!
The sticker was a pig to get off..scraper and hot water job!
The front wheels are clearly further to the left and not straightened up.

I agree but its the wheel not the body of the car you are looking at they have left the car on full right hand lock that is why you cannot see the front of the wheel arch, the car was straight as i said earlier.

I agree but its the wheel not the body of the car you are looking at they have left the car on full right hand lock that is why you cannot see the front of the wheel arch, the car was straight as i said earlier.

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As a former (precision) engineer I probably see things the other people don't. 😂
I think my point about bad parking versus inconsiderate parking is still valid. 😉🍻

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