Lots of Hops..........

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Old Dub

New Member
Jan 5, 2011
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Did a brew 3 weeks ago and went for a IPA style hop recipe,software reckoned on IBU of 84 but on tasting it from fermenter when kegging it it did not taste any more bitter than other brews. :?

I was hoping for a brewdog punk IPA style beer but ended up with an average beer.

Will this sharpen up when conditioning or is it likely to mellow??

any thoughts ?

Here's the recipe

Gyle Number:
Fermentable Colour lb: oz Grams Ratio
Pale Malt 5 EBC 2 lbs. 13.8 oz 1300 grams 50.8%
Amber Malt 60 EBC 0 lbs. 1.1 oz 30 grams 1.2%
Torrefied Wheat 4 EBC 0 lbs. 0.7 oz 20 grams 0.8%
Vienna Malt 7.5 EBC 0 lbs. 7.0 oz 200 grams 7.8%
Crystal Malt 130 EBC 0 lbs. 0.4 oz 10 grams 0.4%
Lager Malt 2.5 EBC 2 lbs. 3.3 oz 1000 grams 39.1%

Hop Type Alpha Time lb: oz grams Ratio
Challenger Whole 7.6 % 0 mins 0 lbs. 1.1 oz 30 grams 16.7%
Saaz Whole 3.3 % 10 mins 0 lbs. 1.8 oz 50 grams 27.8%
Styrian Goldings Whole 4.5 % 30 mins 0 lbs. 0.4 oz 10 grams 5.6%
Target Whole 11.4 % 60 mins 0 lbs. 0.4 oz 10 grams 5.6%
Golding Whole 5.7 % 50 mins 0 lbs. 0.7 oz 20 grams 11.1%
First Gold Whole 8.3 % 5 mins 0 lbs. 0.7 oz 20 grams 11.1%
Fuggle Whole 4.9 % 5 mins 0 lbs. 1.4 oz 40 grams 22.2%
There's a couple of things here I think. Generally speaking, hop flavour/aroma tends to mellow with age but bitterness I think tends to stay there for the most part. However, your beer is going to taste totally different straight from the fermenter than it will when it's nicely carbonated and chilled to the right temperature. You should find that carbonation and lower serving temperature will really make those hops pop and it will seem like a totally different beer.

Was the hop recipe deliberate, or were you just using up hops? That's quite a mix you have there! :whistle:

Yep using up hops ,fancied a hoppy number.

Will let it condition for a month or so before sampling

Hopefully it will provide the smack in the chops I was looking for.

I blame brewdog for putting the thought in my head

I think if its average now it wouldn't sharpen but I'm no expert. I do think that the brewdog beers taste like they've been dry hopped with hop pellets. Never used them myself but I've tasted friends beers who do and it tastes similar. Might be what you're after if you want to sharpen it some more. Probably too late if you've bottled it though.
The Brewdog beers are dry hopped to death, but not with the varieties you have used, If you want a brewdog style beer you really need to be using high alpha american and new zealand Hops & Dry hop.

thanks for replies

out of interest if you dry hopped with lots of traditional hops like fuggles would you get the punch if you used loads and loads(obviously an expensive way to do it)

Should hops from a new packet be dry or a bit sticky??

a bit sticky is always good :thumb:

you will get a punch but fuggles will give you more grassy earthy flavours than hoppy, you would be better to dry hop with plenty of EKG.

thanks for info

just sampled it today and the hops aroma is great compared to previous brews.

It tastes fruity with plenty of zing ,not quite brew dog but pretty impressed.would of liked more carbonation but can rectify that on next batch.

If i want a more malt flavour to this beer what would you recommend adding or removing from the recipe.

i think some fancy hops are in order for next one.