Pay day is finally here :-)

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Jan 16, 2012
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Well the day has finally arrived, money is sitting in my account, my bookmarks are over-full of the different bits of equipment I'm going to need to get started from various different sites, I've bookmarked countless posts in this forum, listed the pros and cons of bottles over kegs until my pen ran out, picked out at least 14 different kits that I want to try to the extent that I have now completely lost the plot! :wha:

Money is as tight as any particular rude/ non-rude saying you can think of, so I was thinking getting something like this (picking the Wherry brew as I've seen loads of people on here using that as their first brew): ... IF:GB:1123

What do we think? Is it missing anything? I'm going to also forego the yeast that comes as standard and go for some Safale S-04 yeast as a few mention that the standard stuff can be a bit lifeless.

All help/ comments/ criticisms gratefully received :thumb:
I tend to enjoy beers in the 4 - 4.5%, keeping with the lighter tasting beers rather than any of the stronger ones. Is Nelson's revenge a strong tasting brew?
andylanc1975 said:
I tend to enjoy beers in the 4 - 4.5%, keeping with the lighter tasting beers rather than any of the stronger ones. Is Nelson's revenge a strong tasting brew?

yes it does taste strong but its a really nice brew, great taste.

The NOG is also well worth trying
Runwell-Steve said:
Personally I prefer the Wherry to the Nelsons Revenge, but it's personal choice. The NOG is good too.

I don't know much about the company you are buying from, but you can get the same thing from here and they have always given me excellent service. ... s_Kit.html

+1 for that site, used them for a year now with no issues.
I think the two companies are the same, just Home-brew-online shop is their Ebay presence. But actually if the prices are the same for the exactly the same product might as well go direct to the company. Cheers for the pointer there. See I told you I had too many websites bookmarked!!!

Time to get the debit card out me thinks... we could be brewing by the weekend! :geek:
They are definitely not the same company.

The ebay company is based in York, the Home Brew Shop is based in Aldershot in Hampshire.

There are lots of Home Brew Shops with very similar names, I would advise anyone to go with recommendations as there are some very bad ones about, I'm not saying the ebay shop is a bad one, I have just never used them or heard anything about them so have no experience of them.

The chances are if they were at all bad we wold have discussed them on the forum at great length, so the fact we haven't I can only assume they must be OK.
andylanc1975 said:
I think the two companies are the same, just Home-brew-online shop is their Ebay presence. But actually if the prices are the same for the exactly the same product might as well go direct to the company. Cheers for the pointer there. See I told you I had too many websites bookmarked!!!

Time to get the debit card out me thinks... we could be brewing by the weekend! :geek:

Dont think they are the same compnay but I have used both and they are ok. Found The Home Brew Shop to have quicker delivery.

Happy brewing!!!!
Runwell-Steve said:
They are definitely not the same company.

The ebay company is based in York, the Home Brew Shop is based in Aldershot in Hampshire.

:oops: schoolboy error, good spot Steve *hangs head in shame* overeagerness nearly got the better of me.

Order will be placed with the proper non-Ebay one, especially as its free delivery for orders over £65
I was please when i found the home brew shop in Aldershot. I thought it would be nice to view things, pick up and handle things ( Just like the good old days) instead of buying things online. But i was very suprised with the lack of customer service.
I told the guy i was new, i had about 40 quids worth of good on the counter but he didn't seem interested in helping me with advise or any of my questions.
He didn't say he was new or just helping out and it wasn't that busy. Just felt like he would have sold me anything even if i didn't need it. (Take my money and get me out.)
I know business is business but i don't get this from the place i go to now.
Well if this eBay seller has a certain online shop with a forum... I think we know who I mean. I would avoid and buy elsewhere

I am having trouble viewing it on my phone. If it is them , I'd rather drink my own urine than spend money on their site
BrewDan said:
Well if this eBay seller has a certain online shop with a forum... I think we know who I mean. I would avoid and buy elsewhere

I don't believe that is the case.

I don't think there is any connection between the ebay shop and the one you are referring to.
Runwell-Steve said:
BrewDan said:
Well if this eBay seller has a certain online shop with a forum... I think we know who I mean. I would avoid and buy elsewhere

I don't believe that is the case.

I don't think there is any connection between the ebay shop and the one you are referring to.

That good news id hate for anyone else to make that mistake
I think the Wherry is a good choice. It does take about a month to mature. but does last. As for shops, might I suggest our new sponsor Ballihoo. I have ordered from them and had good prompt service at reasonable prices.
My GF bought my kit from brew uk she added a few pet caps to order to get free delivery. Im kegging my wheery on weekend but so far so good :D
Home-brew shops tend to be ran by 'enthusiasts' for brewing, I am not saying us homebrewers are odd... but maybe 'individuals' is a better term. I guess most didnt start up to provide quality point of sale experience. I have found as I visit more often they become more interested. My LHBS said they sell 6-10 starter kits a week and rarely see a return custom.. i didnt want to point out that they all prob get their stuff online for cheaper and get the advice from people and places like this!! Having said that I have had some invaluable advice regarding hops and grains and offers of buying specific liquid yeasts to order so I know they are fresh. It did cross my minds that they prob order from the Malt Miller and add 10% but they are a local shop that I would like to support them and their quirky nature.

You also tend to get the local micro brewery gossip (including recipe and yeast snipits). Locals sometimes shop for emergency grains they are the first point of call in Stockport which I am glad to say has a healthy number of micros per-capita.

Off topic slightly but I like to see a face when buying even if it is a slightly hungover sour one.
