Plastic bottles from supermarket

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Active Member
Jul 1, 2012
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Hi has anyone used the plastic 1 litre PET bottles you can get from the supermarket for bottling their brew? If so are they strong enough for this purpose?

Usually juice bottles, ribena etc, they look and feel as strong as the PET bottles I bought previously.
If they have held fizzy drinks they will hold beer and ciders

If they are for still drinks they will not hold any pressure.
Agree with PD, the juice bottles will not hold the pressure.

Sparkling water or pop bottles will hold the pressure but you will need to kep them covered as the light will affect the beer. Brown bottles are best for reducing this.
Any PET bottle will be fine. Most common juice bottles are PET nowadays so they will also be fine too, it will say on the plastic what it's made of.

Tensile strength of PET is fantastic. Will easily hold 150 PSI.
like above said wont explode, and provided the cap is airtight will seal and hold pressure. However i did find with still water bottles that they tend to deform under pressure so that they dont stand upright by themselves, so really arent the best option.

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