Pressure Barrel for lager?

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Oct 6, 2019
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Hello all, I’ve recently acquired a pressure barrel. I’ve changed all the seals and fitted a schrader valve so I can pressure test it.
The barrel says “15 PSI working pressure” this is higher than my other barrel.
I’ve pumped it up to 15psi and it’s holding pressure very well. I’ve had to modify the pressure release as this goes at about 11psi.

My question is what do people think about using it for lager
I use King Keg pressure barrels and brewed a lager last year. It was OK. I’m not a great lager drinker but my sons enjoyed it. Not as carbonated as a ”normal” lager but I don’t like a lot of fizz ashock1
How quickly do you think you will drink the beer?

If you are having a party, or you have a large family that will drink the lot in a few days, you should be good.

But if it's going to take a couple of weeks or more to get through it, then you will probably need
a CO2 injection system.
Once you have drunk about 1/2 the beer, the pressure left in the barrel will drop a lot & what you don't want is glug back of air into the barrel.
@Buffers brewery I’m with you, not really a lager drinker I’ve just done it out of interest and for mates.

I’m a bit sick of bottling! So have recently picked up a couple of barrels and fitted schrader valves (for testing) as well as S30 fittings for gas and pressure relief.

Have you converted yours to ball lock?
I have been looking into it but not quite sure how to go about it?

@jof yeah I’ve got an s30 valve fitted for co2
I fitted a ball lock gas post to my lid and it works well. Can check pressure of course via this.
15 psi is plenty if you maintain that pressure and keep it cold.
5 C and Fg 1.008 at 5% is 2.71 vols.
Gassy enough for lager.
I've used barrels for years, mostly King Keg top tap, that only dispense when there's pressure.
They have done some great Hefeweizens.

I often found the combined S30 injector with pressure relief safety valve, released pressure far too early.
With the old brass ones, doubling up the release rubbers would then keep a decent pressure. But with the new redesigned stainless steel ones, there's not enough room (under new sleeve) for two rubbers.

I'm now trying SS, S30 injector only valves without releif (maybe designed for use with separate relief valve). I'm just going to have to be sure fermentation is really finished, and I don't over-prime.

Reducing the starting beer volume, to give more initial headspace, means the initial pressure from priming sugar can last much longer.

The KK is 27L to brim, so a 23L fill leaves 4L headspace. Depending on pressure (KK is rated 12psi / 0.82 atm. but genrerally take 15psi / 1 atm.), so that pressurised 4l might expand to 8L before it equals atmospheric pressure. So top up CO2 needed after 4L dispensed.
But bottle part of batch say 4L (I use lever top bottles). Now headspace is 8L, so with same pressures you'd then get 8L dispensed before needing top up.

With reduced filling, and no lid seal leak, I usually get most of the beer, and occasionally all of the beer, dispensed without needing a CO2 top up.
I don't have any pressure gauge attachment points, but think initial pressure must be around 2 atm.
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Iv got a lager in my pressure barrel at the moment (S30) but it will be the first and last time. Iv found it to be under carbonated and because I doubled up the elastic on the pressure release I’m pulling froth monsters out of the tap.
Plastic beer barrels do not suit themselves to Lagers if you want them carbonated as they usually leak at anything like Lager pressures. I would use for ales and bitters but bottle my Lager if using them IMO
Iv got a lager in my pressure barrel at the moment (S30) but it will be the first and last time. Iv found it to be under carbonated and because I doubled up the elastic on the pressure release I’m pulling froth monsters out of the tap.
This is exactly what I thought. Knew I should’ve bottled it, but it’s so much easier to barrel!

I was intending to carbonate and lager at, or close to, 15psi then reduce the pressure to serve?
Obviously re pressurise after the session.
Does that sound reasonable or a stupid idea!?
Just to follow up on this, even though it’s probably not fully “largerd” it has turned out great. Tastes lovely and clean, you get a bit of head from the barrel pour but that’s how they serve it in Holland! Plenty of carbonation for my liking. Had a chef round for dinner who likes his German lagers and he thought it was great. 👍
I’ve been getting the PB to hold 14psi.
Just to follow up on this, even though it’s probably not fully “largerd” it has turned out great. Tastes lovely and clean, you get a bit of head from the barrel pour but that’s how they serve it in Holland! Plenty of carbonation for my liking. Had a chef round for dinner who likes his German lagers and he thought it was great. 👍
I’ve been getting the PB to hold 14psi.
What kind of pressure barrel are you using ?
Does it have a floating dip tube ?
Are you largering in a dedicated fridge ?
If It's feasible with your setup, I would fit ball locks gas and liquid posts and the proper tap on the fridge, or picnic tap.
You'll get a much more controlable pour.
The next step would be corny kegs.
14 PSI sounds good.
Main problem I've had with King Keg (top tap) is S30 pressure relief, opening at too low a pressure.
Doubling up on the rubber sleeve used to work well, with the brass S30 connector. But this doesn't seem possible (not enough room) with the redesigned stainless steel version.
Now trying with SS S30 fill valves (without pressure relief). Just have to be carefull with the amount of priming sugar!
I’ve put a jubilee clip, with a rubber insert, around the pressure relief so that when the priming sugar has fermented out you can tighten the clip and then top up to full pressure.
I had to fit the Schrader valve directly to the barrel cause no room on the cap! The barrel was a free bee off market place so nice to experiment on!


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What kind of pressure barrel are you using ?
Does it have a floating dip tube ?
Are you largering in a dedicated fridge ?
If It's feasible with your setup, I would fit ball locks gas and liquid posts and the proper tap on the fridge, or picnic tap.
You'll get a much more controlable pour.
The next step would be corny kegs.
Thanks for this. I know there are loads of things I “need”. I like doing things cheap and DIY. For me it doesn’t have to be perfect and the beer was fine. I’m not really a lager drinker just wanted to see what result I could get.
I’ve put a jubilee clip, with a rubber insert, around the pressure relief so that when the priming sugar has fermented out you can tighten the clip and then top up to full pressure.
I had to fit the Schrader valve directly to the barrel cause no room on the cap! The barrel was a free bee off market place so nice to experiment on!
That looks like something I would have tried back in the day.

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