Random Question re last minute addition

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Active Member
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Birmingham, West Mids
Hi All,

It has been a rather long time since I last visited this fine forum, however I have not stopped brewing you will be pleased to know!

Why oh Why did I not start doing this earlier in my life!?

Anyway, I have a rather random query:

Brewed a Coopers Aussie Lager on March 5th. Sat in the FV for a solid three weeks (may even have been longer). Transferred it to my latest purchase, the 5 gallon pressure barrel. Everything ticking along nicely.

Now, I have a friends 30th birthday coming up very soon and I have dedicated these 5 gallons to to party. I wish I had known this when I made the brew, as I would have added something to give it a bit of a ginger flavour. The reason being that my friend is ginger and proud of it.

So... my question to you is, at this very late stage (the beer is ready to drink) could I throw in a bottle of Crabbie's Ginger Beer directly into the pressure barrel? Or is that just a ridiculously stupid idea and I should chalk this up to experience and improve my planning skills?

Many Thanks in advance!

Hmmm... Don't know that I'd go down that route...

...what about getting a big old lump of root ginger from the supermarket, grate it, boil it up in a little water with some other spices and citrus (maybe a lemon and a lime sliced) to get a potent ginger/lemon/lime/spice "tea" and add that?

Trouble is you'll have primed the barrel, that prime might not have fermented out yet so you don't know if you need to re-prime or not. I don't have a barrel (I bottle everything) so can't say for sure but if it has a pressure relief valve then I would add an extra dose of priming sugar to the tea too, that would then repressurise the barrel after having the lid off.

When you say "very soon" how soon? If you are going do this and reprime then you'll need another week or two for secondary fermentation and clearing.
Cheers for the rapid response people!

The beer has been sat in the pressure barrel since about April 2nd, so I think it will have finished priming and clearing. The barrel does have a pressure release valve I think, but the current cap I have doesn't have the brass fitting to use a Co2 canister (lesson learnt).

Liking the Ginger Cordial idea, will look into that, and of course drawing off some beer to test (any excuse to drink beer!)

As for "very soon", it needs to be ready for May 12th, so I do have a bit of time to reprime if necessary.

Thanks for the advice guys, will try and remember to let you know how I get on!

May 12th should be plenty of time so long as you get cracking!

There will be some sugar in your cordial no doubt so you'll have to do some sums on the re-priming. You will lose all the pressure, but not all the fizz while you add the ginger and that will, no doubt, have a reasonable amount of sugar so you probably won't need much additional sugar on top...

...exactly how much I haven't got a clue!