THBF mentioned in Daily Telegraph

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I forgot you have to pay.

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I'd copy it, but it's a two page double spread...!
I wonder if we'll see a sudden influx of new members?
Could you paste the main part where it mentions us.

We have had three new member register this morning i will let you know if any more register.
Kegs and beer taps are tricky to run and need maintenance:join The HomeBrew Forum ( for tips on how to install and run your own draught beer system."...

It then goes on to name-check Rent a Keg, and a couple of other suppliers.
You don't have to pay, you just have to register and then when it comes up with "start your free trial today" just close it.
All it says is:

Install a beer tap

Kegs and beer taps are tricky to run and need maintenance: join The HomeBrew Forum ( for tips on how to install and run your own draught beer system, or check out Rent A Keg ( to hire, lease or purchase kegs and draught equipment.

Alternatively, get a compact draft beer dispenser. The Krups SUB is a counter-sized beer tap that uses mini kegs of two litres (£99,, and you can order everything from Lagunitas IPA to Amstel for it. See also the BrewDog BeerTap fresh beer draught dispenser (£675,

I'm now going to de-register as I'd hate to be associated with such a Tory rag.
We may not have had many registrations this morning but we have 719 guests which is much higher than the normal 200 to 300.

Members: 80 - Guests: 719

New Total - 4 registered.

Total: 851 (members: 99, guests: 752)
I went and bought the paper for first time in years. Good article and I almost completed the prize crossword. But bloody hell it was £3.
I went and bought the paper for first time in years. Good article and I almost completed the prize crossword. But bloody hell it was £3.
Don't worry. When you win the crossword competition you'll have a couple of ££ left over!
You stuck on any of them?