The Cheshire Brewhouse a Much Bigger Build than Bridestone

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Vossy1 said:
Getting there Shane :cool: ...I'd love to know where you find the time :clap: :mrgreen:

I make the Time, I don't find it, sometimes it means I am a bit selfish, but hey, at least its progress. :D

Kids are starting to complain that daddy has left & there is a stranger that keeps coming and going at all hours and bumping round the house early in the morning though, :D

Archtronics said:
Looking good! when do the tours start :thumb:

Not Just yet, no vessels in yet, still doing the CIVILS, all the drains are in now, and have nearly finished cladding the walls with upcv, Just got the floor to paint, Plumbing, 3ph electrics then the Vessels go in.

Bit of Drilling to do, mash tun, false bottom to make, elements to fit to HLT & Copper, PT100's to fit and wire, Pipework to install etc, then we are ready to brew, and take tours.

Next tuesday alright with you? :D

What was the reason for the name change???, I made a delivery the other day to a set of small units on a farm near Atherstone, one of the units had a micro in there. Had a quick chat with the guy he's only been brewing for 18 months, I think his setup was 3 &1/2 barrels, found out that he brews Chedham's Ale named after a old blacksmiths yard behind The Stags Head in our village.
All the best mate will follow what happens.. :thumb:
Dieseljockey said:
What was the reason for the name change???, I made a delivery the other day to a set of small units on a farm near Atherstone, one of the units had a micro in there. Had a quick chat with the guy he's only been brewing for 18 months, I think his setup was 3 &1/2 barrels, found out that he brews Chedham's Ale named after a old blacksmiths yard behind The Stags Head in our village.
All the best mate will follow what happens.. :thumb:

The reason for the name change was so I am not confused with "The Bridestones Brewing Co" who operate out of Hebden Bridge.

I quite like "The Cheshire Brewhouse" though so am hoping it works.

Plenty to do, before any beer is made though :wha:

I quite like "The Cheshire Brewhouse"

Yup it's a good name, I like the "Brewhouse" instead of Brewery, didn't know about the other one, there's a lot of mircos setting up now. Best of luck with yours, have you been around the free houses in your area?. That guy I talk to who's been brewing for 18 months goes out I think he said 50 miles radius.
Dieseljockey said:
I quite like "The Cheshire Brewhouse"

Yup it's a good name, I like the "Brewhouse" instead of Brewery, didn't know about the other one, there's a lot of mircos setting up now. Best of luck with yours, have you been around the free houses in your area?. That guy I talk to who's been brewing for 18 months goes out I think he said 50 miles radius.

Not been out actively selling just yet, as I have no beer to sell, however, I have 2 Beer Festivals that want my beer so far without any advertising, selling or anything like.

I have nice wash down UPVC walls now (All Free)


Started sealing the floor tonight, ready for a coat of Blue Swimming Pool Paint later this week.

Then Its in with the Tanks this weekend I hope, (so I can start Welding in bosses for heaters & make my mash tun Lauter Bottom).


Keep taking pictures as you go Shane, we did that in our present workshop, it's good to look back on later.
dennisking said:
Keep taking pictures as you go Shane, we did that in our present workshop, it's good to look back on later.

Oh I'm keeping a photographic record, Dennis, because so far I have done all the work on my own, the Only help i have had is to shift 8 dustbins worth of rubble, because i couldn't lift them myself.

I want to do the rest myself too, I want this project to work, I figure by doing it myself I wont have the costs I would have if I had tradesmen in, & I have saved at least 2K on the Civils. To Date with the brewery build itself I am hoping to save at least 8K off the cost of buying one, off one of the current suppliers, & I should have (I Hope) a better spec system with all stainless tanks as opposed to plastic fermenter's. But that's a few weeks off yet, not finished spending yet :? .

I have got a bit more further forward today (progress is still too slow for my liking but I am an impatient bugger)

1x 15BBL tank in place (think this is going to be the HLT

1000ltr Stainless Conical In, (not sure if this is going to be a Fermenter or the Copper :hmm: )

a selection of other vessels in and the building is looking smaller inside.

Now this is starting to look like a Micro Brewery.

Now for a lot of head scratching and decisions tomorrow, as I have not had chance to look at this collection of vessels properly, due to them being shoehorned in my garage.

But have a fair bit to do with a tig welder, and plenty of insulating and match boarding out the vessels.

dennisking said:
Slowly coming together Shane, bet the wife's happy to see the garden again.
Gardens round the back of the house, not encroached on that but have not been able to get the lawnmower out until today :D

We can now get to the freezer easily, :grin:

Dieseljockey said:
Bigger than what I thought you where going for.... :clap: What's your time scale for your first brew??

Timescale is as fast as I can get it up and running. I don't have my HMRC Certificate yet so can't sell anything, but have spoken to them & they said its on its way & I am OK to brew, so I might do a small brew later this week 1BBL, (on my Pilot brewery)just to christen the place. :D
