The downfall of the Tory party.

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I always think it’s a bit sad when a PM of whatever party gets turfed out tbh, but it’s got to be done, and quickly in this case.
It's sentiments like yours that really show what a great people the British really are. Nevertheless, it's important to recognise the current lot for what they really are.I don't know whether this applies to all Conservatives down through history, but Thatcher, May, Johnson, and now Truss and all their friends and cronies are amongst the most truly evil people I know. They care only for themselves and their clique. Government, for them, is nothing but a means to feather their own nests; it has nothing to do with the welfare of the People.
Don't feel sad. It's like a sugeon feeling said for the bit of cancerous human flesh he has to excise rather than the patient he has to mutilate in order to save his/hers life.
At the end of the day, Truss has to go if the the party want’s any chance of winning the next election.
She just does not have the charm/popularity/ appeal, or whatever you want to call it to win an election at the moment.

It’s still possible to install a new PM and win the next election, the bulk of voters are so fickle.

Who that could be is anyones guess.
Truss wasn't an unknown, she'd been in the cabinet for years. They voted for what they wanted and got. Just by bringing Hunt in doesn't mean any change, save for PR. He too is a right wing tory, the richest in the cabinet apparently, he agrees with her aims. He is an example of Cameron being the PM who started the removal of ethics and morals. Hunt should have been sacked for dodgy dealings as Culture secretary, private emails to the Murdochs. Once sacked for such an event they would never have been back in cabinet, for how can you trust the security of the country with that behaviour?
If the government can't afford to honour the tripple lock how do they justify the Foreign aid budget, just asking
Foreign aid seems like charity, but it isn't. It's used to buy influence and favours. I think @DocAnna wrote a very clear and detailed post on this subject some time ago. (Apologies, Anna, if it wasn't you).
Foreign aid seems like charity, but it isn't. It's used to buy influence and favours. I think @DocAnna wrote a very clear and detailed post on this subject some time ago. (Apologies, Anna, if it wasn't you).

They massively slashed the budget for it under Johnson too.

These things aren't the either/or issues the rags would have us believe.
If the government can't afford to honour the tripple lock how do they justify the Foreign aid budget, just asking

Why compare apples with oranges? Cost of Triple Lock is far higher than what we spend on Foreign Aid (which maintains soft power for us abroad). We spend a pittance on it due to short-sightedness and populist approach of Johnson.
Foreign aid seems like charity, but it isn't. It's used to buy influence and favours. I think @DocAnna wrote a very clear and detailed post on this subject some time ago. (Apologies, Anna, if it wasn't you). some there is this idea we can pull up the drawbridge, stop investing in influence abroad, separate from the rest of the world .... and then we'd be ok, we'd look after our own... asad.

It has never been the case.

Trade and influence abroad provides the economic resilience, national security, and cultural security that a country needs to prosper and grow. This has been the case throughout history, crikey most wars within and by this country have been fought over external influence. I have a tendency to metaphors so indulge me. It is perfectly possible to live off grid, grow your own food and generate your own electricity, isolated from the community. You'll not progress or develop anything further in the technology than you bring in with yourself, likely die young or in pain from injury or infection... but hey it will be your choice. It's even possible for communities to live in an isolated way as some religious groups do in the US, and may well be self sustaining, but they won't progress or develop further, and are dependent on the security provided by the states they live in - so aren't truly independent either.

It's for this kind of reason I don't find much sense in the idea of Scottish independence either, for all the superficial attraction it holds in the short term.
If you're interested in a short but a wee bit old article that is evidenced and balanced on foreign aid then this is worth reading Does UK international development aid benefit Britain? | The Political Studies Association (PSA)
If the government can't afford to honour the tripple lock how do they justify the Foreign aid budget, just asking
We really ought to be considering vanity projects like HS2 or renewal of Trident, or the govt shelling billions of pounds on dodgy covid contracts and apps, before worrying about foreign aid.
Well i was only asking, so thanks for all the polite replys, it makes no difference to me if it's honoured or not but i hear a lot of folks going on about it and not being politically inclined i thought i would ask
Good luck in finding Utopia, its like the tooth fairy, it doesn't exist. Socialism, communism every party no matter what are looking after themselves. But 95% of the population are gullible, that is what all parties work on. Why does advertising work? Because of the above. Otherwise advertising wouldn't exist. Gullibility has been with us since we left the trees, it is inbred, mostly to the 95%.
I find this to be sad but true. Make sure you put your oxygen mask on first, then you can help others who need it. - there will always be queue jumpers in society. sometimes the only way to win is not to join the queue in the first place.
Always liked Mark Drakeford.
I'm not fan of RT Davies, nor of mr MD who's covid restrictions put my health at risk. So I ignored his dictat and told him why. I believe RTD was questioning the state of the welsh ambulance service which has been pants way before the current crisis, so it was a genuine question albiet a stupid one, because in the present climate the already poor service was only going to get worse. I know of a carpet fitter who cut an artery by mistake and would have bled to death waiting for an ambulance , unable to drive himself, his customers daughter had leave work to take him to a&e. less woke welsh government, more fixing the important stuff for people pleeeeeeese. overbearing traffic restriction and speed humps everywhere slow down emergency services.
Today's PMQ's

The woman is deluded.

I bet if you sit close enough you can hear the cogs trying to mesh ;)


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Today's PMQ's

The woman is deluded.

I bet if you sit close enough you can hear the cogs trying to mesh ;)

View attachment 76523

You gotta laugh at Lymeswold Liz, all she said was “the honourable gentleman hasn’t done this, the honourable gentleman has done that, the honourable gentleman hasn’t done the other”, ignoring the fact that the honourable gentleman isn’t the frickin’ prime minister. She is!
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