Three holes to go ......?

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Dec 27, 2012
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So far I popped all the holes I need in my urn bar three, all of the remaining holes ( 2 different sizes) are bigger than my qcutter.

I don't want to buy two cutters for just three holes, if I make hole with my cutter how hard is it to open it out to the size I need? I'd only need to open it up by a maximum of 5mm.

Many thanks. Aamcle
Can I suggest you scribe the hole at the size that you need onto the boiler round the hole to be enlarged. I recently did this and its not easy to Dremel out a hole and keep it consistently round, in fact its Bl**y difficult.

Good luck with it.!!
LeithR said:
Can I suggest you scribe the hole at the size that you need onto the boiler round the hole to be enlarged. I recently did this and its not easy to Dremel out a hole and keep it consistently round, in fact its Bl**y difficult.

Good luck with it.!!

+1 that's very good advice:)

Fil, sorry for not replying sooner I've been at my daughters, unless your local Ill get out the Dermal I only have to open out three holes :).

I'm just north of Warrington are you nearby? If you are I'd be delighted to pop around and punch the holes, I need 7/8 and 9/8 (1 +1/8) inches.

Many Thanks. Aamcle
im a bit far ,,, perhaps someone closer??

if not go slow n steady u can always eat a bit more off but u cant put any back,,
Its Ok Bob, I'll do it with the Dremal its only three :) and most of the metal will be removed by my punch.

Thanks for your offer.
