Wheat beer brewday

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2020
Reaction score
Witney, Oxfordshire
1st brew in a while and decided to go with a wheat beer to which I'll add raspberries 1 week after pitching.
Decided to go the full volume mash today because I'm a lazy git and couldn't be bothered to sparge mostly, but also I wanted to see if I could be more efficient than previous brews.
So far, so good, mash P.H was bang on, slightly more gravity points pre boil than I expected, currently 1.043 on refractometer and 1.040 on hydro @ 39°c, and actually over on my water volumes.
A few pics so far but will update as I go.


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My immediate response was "eek another fruit beer"

But after reading through wheat beer with a slight raspberry edge might be quite pleasant.

You do get the best expression of the fruit by adding it later in the fermentation.
1st brew in a while and decided to go with a wheat beer to which I'll add raspberries 1 week after pitching.
Decided to go the full volume mash today because I'm a lazy git and couldn't be bothered to sparge mostly, but also I wanted to see if I could be more efficient than previous brews.
So far, so good, mash P.H was bang on, slightly more gravity points pre boil than I expected, currently 1.043 on refractometer and 1.040 on hydro @ 39°c, and actually over on my water volumes.
A few pics so far but will update as I go.
How did the efficiency differ with full volume rather than sparging? I'm considering just doing full volume for smaller test batches
What's your approach for adding the raspberries? I'm trying one for the first time next week and I'm a bit unsure. I'm doing the Greg Hughes recipe but he doesn't give much detail on adding them (appears that you just chuck it in). I've also seen David Heaths video and he says to rack it before adding it. I really don't want to rack a wheat beer to a secondary. I've had bad experiences of wheat beer and oxidation.

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