Worth a punt?

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I rarely use eBay do they not have a system where these too good to be true offers can be reported?
This is weird I just got an item shipped notification, anyone else?

See, told you there was nowt to worry about! Re my earlier post about the Chinese ultrasonic cleaner off ebay, that too seemed too good to be true but I figured I'd nuthin to lose at the price. But it's still going strong after two years and it's had a LOT of use in my sideline dental appliance repair business. The replacement that they sent when I prematurely complained about the non-arrival of the first one is still in its unopened box! Now, where's my 5000 boilers...?
All feedback as a buyer, though not much and over 6 months ago, at a guess I'd say someone has had their ebay ID stolen.
27 sold no feedback. :roll:
I bought all of them one by one just to annoy the seller and burnt them in my back garden to heat my mash tun. I set them all to 66.7c before setting them on fire and they still burnt at horrific temperatures. I'm wondering if they were knock offs because I doubt the real thing would do that. I don't like to leave negative feedback, hence no changes.
Just spotted this thread. This morning I ordered a 20 L boiler off ebay for £12.99, the ad is on that same page. It was listed as being in London, but that may well be an front for a Chinese company.

It's due to arrive between Friday and Monday. I'll let you know if it turns up and whether it works properly.

Had been looking forward to christening my new boiler by now, but guess what? It didn't arrive. Followed up through ebay, who confirmed that the seller's account wasn't authorised, so that even though paypal have taken the money from my account, the seller was unable to claim it from paypal. I have now cancelled and requested my money back from paypal.

The trouble is I still need a boiler, I wonder if Gunge has any going cheap?