Secret Santa Review Thread 2021!

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Do you mind sharing the recipe, with the original and final gravity. I don't think I have ever made an oatmeal stout. I was expecting it to have a fuller mouth feel. What's your thoughts on it, don't get me wrong it's perfectly drinkable 👍
I have just posted the recipe on the provided thread, look forward to your thoughts
My first secret Santa was this exciting offering. My plan was to wait until my son visited on New Year’s Eve and for us to try my two SS together. However, having got the Boxing Day cheese and biscuits ready yesterday evening the search for the bottle of Port to accompany them was short lived when my wife informed me we had finished it all 😥. So, I thought this bottle might make an excellent replacement. And I wasn’t disappointed. I served it straight from the cupboard in my outside bar so it was at about 9-10 degrees and poured with a small head which slowly disappeared. The aroma was chocolate (my daughter described that) and had a flavour of Christmas cake with the alcohol in the background adding even more to this description. This beer reminded me a lot of Adnams Tally Ho which I love and it went really well with my Boxing Day tea. So much so, I didn’t miss the Port at all. Loved it. Thanks Santa.

My first SS!

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Vanguard lager 4.5%
I am not a lager drinker either, but I can only concur with Nottsbeer's comments on the same beer upthread. I have tried and failed to brew lagers in the past (and since decided not to bother with them), and the clarlty and colour is enviable. Carbonation is spot-on; I suspect this not the first attempt at this brew. Not very hoppy, but a bright-easy-drinking beer. Thanks, Santa!

Cheers for the feedback. I played Santa on this one. Yes, made this a few times now, no so much for me but for when we have lager drinking guests around and they like it. 🍻
First of Mr Santa beers, a lovely golden ale. Opened with a nice hiss and poured with a great 1/2 inch head. Which settled to a white foam covering the beer. Beer was very clear, though doesn't look it in the picture as the glass was condensed

Nice citrus smell on the nose, and a new hop to me which was nice. One am thinking of growing this year and has nudged me along. Almost creamy taste to it.

Tasted lovely and to be honest didn't last long😁.

Thanks for sending.


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My first SS bottle tonight....a Vanguard Lager. I'm not a larger drinker so was very interested in trying this.

A slight hiss on opening, however this is nicely carbonated. The color is golden and very clear. A nice head formed which has stayed slightly.

I couldn't smell any aroma and the taste is very subtle, I'm guessing not overly hopped?. This is a nice easy lager to drink. Many thanks. 👍🍻

Cheers. Gutted it wasn’t a style you’d choose but then even more appreciative for you trying it and your feedback. 🍻
Bottle on front of me dopplebock
Lovely head that stayed around for a little while. Big hits of molasses, treacle and raisins with a malty sweetness to finish on. Does not play like a 9%er this would ber very dangerous if drank Infront of a fire with a whiskey chaser. Lucky I don't have time for those kind of luxuries.
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Thought I'd try a SS while Mrs Clint is relaxing...
This has been outside for a few days so is super chilled. Opened with a short hiss and pours hazy with initially a good head that faded to a thin covering that lingered and left light lacing.
I've left it a short whole as I felt the cold was killing it a bit both in taste and aroma. I'm not sure of the beer style to be honest but there's a soft bitterness ,lemon/ subtle spice aroma and slight grain,juicy finish. Its obviously very pale,almost lager like and carbonation has remained through to the end. What is it??
I'll have a wild guess...a NZ pale?
It also doesn't hint at anywhere near the 6% ABV on the label.
A curious one for me but I quite enjoyed it! A thirst quencher that would have been better on a warm day...but dangerous as its easy those SAISONs!
Thanks for sharing...but do tell!
I'm getting "oranges" burps off this!
I’ve been dreading my second bottle getting tasted after @Leon103 reviewed his and it didn’t go too well. Two very different opinions, I’m not sure what’s happened I’ve certainly not had any other rouge bottles. But thanks for your great views.
This was my first AG after getting a Brewzilla. It’s a Nelson Sauvin and Golden Promise SMaSH. I’m really happy with it, especially how clear it is after the chill haze goes. And yes it’s 6% according to Brewfather.
Waye Aye Broon Ale. Very good, bit like Nukie Brown but smoother. Carbonation is vibrant though no head retention. Malty brown. Bit dry. Very nice. Thank you
This was mine, it was first time (and probably last time) I brewed it. It was originally a golden ale recipe I had previously used but must have done some major tinkering with it in the past and completely forgot, personally I wasn't happy with it. The hop used however is a difficult hop to find and I don't think I did it justice. Thanks for trying it and giving feedback though
This was mine, it was first time (and probably last time) I brewed it. It was originally a golden ale recipe I had previously used but must have done some major tinkering with it in the past and completely forgot, personally I wasn't happy with it. The hop used however is a difficult hop to find and I don't think I did it justice. Thanks for trying it and giving feedback though
Yes. I can see it can be better but its good enough. Not many people brew brown ales. Maybe if you did again have higher fg and it would be a touch less dry. Thanks for sharing
The second of my secret Santa beers was a stout at 5.4%.


Nice hiss on opening. Poured with a full head then just to a light covering over the beer. I detected a bit of a roast aroma.

The carbonation was just right. The mouthfeel was a bit thinner than I would normally prefer from a stout. There was a malty initial flavour with a slight after taste (not an off flavour or offensive) that I can't pinpoint with my untrained pallette. Finished the entire bottle whilst prepping dinner.

Thanks for sending 👍
Secret Santa No2, an 11% Russian Imperial Stout. Black crown cap, proper order! Any other colour would just be wrong. Opens with a good hiss and pours with a tan head. Carbonation is low to medium and perfect for a big stout. The aroma is of dark fruits. The mouthfeel is full, rich and super smooth. Flavours of dark fruits and chocolate predominate, with no astringency. The finish has a residual sweetness and lingering dark cherry, plum and dark chocolate flavours.
Great brew Santa, this is an absolutely fabulous beer. Thank you for sharing it 👏
SS #2 - wow this is a belter!
Velvety smooth, perfect carbonation and intense dark fruit loveliness. There's no harshness to it, and only the faintest 'zing' to give away the nearly 12% abv.
Top quality beer making :hat: hats off to the brewer.
Absolutely love the label too: really adds to the whole impression.

Glad you enjoyed the beer and kind feedback. it's definitely a sipper hence the 330ml bottle.

My third and final SS beer was a 7% imperial stout.
Upon opening there was a good hiss, the aroma of slight coffee and roasted malt, I did a fairly steady pour and got a decent head initially which died a death fairly quickly, on reflection would do a more vigorous pour next time.
The beer was carbonated well maybe a tad more than usual for a stout but really grateful for this as cuts through the richness of the beer.
The first initial flavour is a quick hit of dried fruit with a lasting mild coffee dark roasted taste on the pallet, it's got a bit of body but goes down quite well for a 7% beer.
This is another well made beer and a style I am yet to try (maybe out of fear I'd f it up).
I would like add how much I have enjoyed doing this and how the quality of beer has been fantastic and I've thoroughly enjoyed reading other people's reviews, clearly some great talent and creative minds out there in such a friendly community. Thank you @Alastair70 for carrying on this great tradition.
I’ve been dreading my second bottle getting tasted after @Leon103 reviewed his and it didn’t go too well. Two very different opinions, I’m not sure what’s happened I’ve certainly not had any other rouge bottles. But thanks for your great views.
This was my first AG after getting a Brewzilla. It’s a Nelson Sauvin and Golden Promise SMaSH. I’m really happy with it, especially how clear it is after the chill haze goes. And yes it’s 6% according to Brewfather.
Ha! Yes..the Nelson Sauvin...I knew it was something different!
My first secret Santa beer was a Kolsch.

I really enjoyed this so thank you to the sender.
It was carbed to perfection, a pleasant hiss on opening and poured with a nice head.

It was incredibly smooth, had a nice malt flavour, not sweet per se, but almost if that makes sense? The bitterness came through on the aftertaste and kept me wanting another mouthful.

Absolutely lovely beer thank you, I could happily drink these all day.
Merry Christmas
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My second SS was a 4% Kolsch, I'm quite happy I received this as I have very recently been appreciating lagers/lager style beers more.
Upon opening there was a very satisfying hiss, not much aroma other than an ever so slight whiff of malt and yeast. I did quite a vigorous pour towards the end as didn't seem much of head forming but once it did I was pleasantly surprised how long it stayed throughout the drink. There was little to none sediment in the bottle (I presume this is achieved by bottling from keg?) however upon close inspection possibly some hop debris in the beer but really had no effect on the flavour and doesn't put me off.
The carbonation is what I'd expect with this style and is definitely on point. The initial flavour is very crisp but a lovely ever so subtle honey sweet flavour. Overall this is a very satisfying quaffable drink, it was perfect to have after a heavy cheese and cracker lunch which was accompanied by a 10% imperial stout (not the stout that came with the Kolsch this be reviewed either later or tomorrow). Thank you Santa for providing such a light drink that saved me going into a dairy coma today.
I received the same one, ace wasn’t it?
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My third and final SS beer was a 7% imperial stout.
Upon opening there was a good hiss, the aroma of slight coffee and roasted malt, I did a fairly steady pour and got a decent head initially which died a death fairly quickly, on reflection would do a more vigorous pour next time.
The beer was carbonated well maybe a tad more than usual for a stout but really grateful for this as cuts through the richness of the beer.
The first initial flavour is a quick hit of dried fruit with a lasting mild coffee dark roasted taste on the pallet, it's got a bit of body but goes down quite well for a 7% beer.
This is another well made beer and a style I am yet to try (maybe out of fear I'd f it up).
I would like add how much I have enjoyed doing this and how the quality of beer has been fantastic and I've thoroughly enjoyed reading other people's reviews, clearly some great talent and creative minds out there in such a friendly community. Thank you @Alastair70 for carrying on this great tradition.

Thanks for the positive reactions to my first secret Santa, every year I have been too busy to get organised in time to do it and it's a pleasure tasting others beers and seeing what you guys make of mine.

Interestingly that's the first Kolsch I have brewed so have nothing to compare it to having not tried one before, I had my first pint off the keg Christmas eve and didn't enjoy it that much, I felt it needs more conditioning, it's been in the keg a few months already though?

Maybe it's like Belgian beer, you either like the style or you don't or I am just strange :)

The Imperial stout was supposed to come out at 12% but my efficiency was way off after my first attempt at a reiterated mash and I think I had the concept slightly off, then the FG didn't get down as far as it should have, but I kegged and conditioned it anyway, but it was too sweet for my taste, so I put it back in the fermenter on top of another yeast cake got it down a few more points and carried on conditioning, I brewed that one over a year ago now and I quite like it now, thanks for the reviews :)
This is the last of the Belgian selection sent to me. It's a Belgian tripel 8.1%

I gave this a rough pour which resulted in a nice white head that lasted
Really nice Belgian spice aroma, the flavour follows through. Good level of bitterness and a nice dry finish.

This is the best of the 3 Belgian beers sent to me. It hides the high abv, it has good body but is not sweet. Well done on this and thank you for the beers

Merry Christmas ☃️

Back home from visiting family so it's time to unwind with a couple of beers.

First up is this rather nice Vienna Lager.

Must confess that I don't drink lagers that regularly so couldn't confidently state what a Vienna Lager should taste like but having read up a bit on the style I'd say this fits it pretty well.

Pours with a thick, white head that has laced the glass throughout. Malt dominates both the aroma and taste profile in a pleasant way. The beer has a caramel/toffee sweetness that is well balanced by the hop bitterness.

If I had one criticism it would be that the finish could do with being a touch more dry/crisp but that is being a bit picky.

I could happily sink a few of these of an evening. Top job santa! athumb..

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