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    • Pavros
      Pavros replied to the thread England manager poll.
      The FA should pay whatever it takes to persuade Klopp but they won't. It would make sense to promote Carsley from the u21s as this...
    • Pavros
      Pavros replied to the thread 1980s Newcastle Brown Ale.
      My eyes! My eyes!!!
    • Pavros
      Pavros replied to the thread 1980s Newcastle Brown Ale.
      Ah! Memories of McEwans Scotch, Newcastle Exhibition, Fed Special and Dog. acheers. but we never drank anything from that Mackem...
    • Pavros
      Pavros replied to the thread New Lalbrew IPA yeast..
      May be because it has some coriander in it? :confused.:
    • Pavros
      Pavros replied to the thread 'Apollo' Stainless Steel.
      It looks like it and £197 if you want the cooling lid option - latest model as well
    • Pavros
      Pavros reacted to foxy's post in the thread Polytunnel with Like Like.
      Everything is starting to take off despite Thursday being the coldest day in 5 years 10.1 C peas are starting to flower and Pak Choy...
    • Pavros
      Pavros reacted to Rakey's post in the thread The Homemade Pizza Thread with Like Like.
      I'm a few weeks in on my new pizza obsession, saw a pizza in this thread with asparagus on it and felt inspired, so its a garlic oil...
    • Pavros
      Pavros replied to the thread Fury vs Usyk..
      I want Usyk to win but I think Fury will. I don't expect it to be a classic with Fury leaning and hugging to wear Usyk out.
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