Can someone check my steps for me about kegging my first lager please!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2017
Reaction score
So I'm kegging my Oktoberfest lager this afternoon and want to run through my steps and check for any errors. This beer has been quick lagered (brulosophy method).

1). Sterilise keg with vwp and run this through the line (using 10psi pressure) (diptube, lid and the posts seperate)
2. Rinse with water (including posts).
3. Rinse again with later and run the water through the line (using 10 psi).
4. Fill with sanitiser (including posts).
5. Run sanitiser through the lines (using 10 psi).
6. Transfer the beer in and shut everything up (using vaseline around the large 0 ring).
7. PSI to 30 and then pull the pressure release three times.
8. Reduce pressue to 10.2 psi and leave in the fridge for a week shaking twice a day.


I'm hoping to drink this beer next saturday. Do these steps all sound correct? It's the pressure I am unsure of really (and whether to use the vaseline).

Any advice much appreciated!

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1. Replace VWP with PBW/Oxi if you have it. Chlorine bleach can damage stainless steel though not sure if it will be in long enough to do damage in your case.

7. I personally do 5x15 but 3x30 should be fine.

8. For a lager I would pressurise higher, 15-20psi or so at fridge temperature. The gas should remain connected during the week.
Thanks Foxbat. After a couple of teething problems we've got it all set up and pressurised. Looking forward to pulling my first pint! When do you reckon the soonest I can pull my first pint? Not sure I can wait till Saturday!
If you really want to be drinking it quickly then you could try the 'crank and shake' method from this Brulosophy link. I've only ever done the set-it-and-forget-it method myself because although it'll be drinkable in a week it probably will not have fully cleared and conditioned.