1st AG brew and need advice.

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Apr 26, 2016
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Hi all,

1st post to go with my 1st AG brew. Found the Thread: http://www.thehomebrewforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=51779 and decided to take the plunge and have a go.

Doubled up:
2kg Marris Otter
30g Cascade
6g yeast

It is now fermenting away quite happily and I seem to find myself staring at it waiting for the bubbles to go through the air locks.

Anyway, I doubled up the recipe and have split the brew into 2 FV. Once the fermentation has finished and SG settled, I plan on bottling up one and I would like to "Dry Hop" the second, and then bottle. I want to do this so that I can do a side by side comparison. Also, I plan to repeat the brew but use a different hop (Fuggles), and again plan to split, dry hop and do a taste session but with both brews (4 varieties in all), to really get a basic understanding of how the hops can be used to effect the beer.

So the advice I would like is: given that I want to dry hop 5ltrs of beer at a time, how much hops should I use.

I realise that this is a bit of "how long is a piece of string" sort of question, but I really could do with a starting point (1st AG brews remember).

Any advice/ opinions welcome.


It really is to taste and the stronger the alpha acid rating of your hops the more bittering (ibus) they bring to the party (I believe).

Brewdogs recipes suggest between 100g-400g for 5 gallons, which is about 4g-16g per litre.
So you could try between 10 and 20g in your 5litres depending on your hop taste buds.
Firtstly, congratulations on your first AG - I'm sure it'll be delicious.

I'm impressed that you've decided to do a bit of experimentation on your first brew, I still just chuck in whatever I feel like at the time and hope for the best - so far all good - but I'm really none the wiser about the effect of the timing / quantities of hop additions. Also because I'm like a kid in a sweet shop I never do the same recipe twice.....

However, unless you like really hoppy beers I wouldn't be inclined to use much more than 10g in a 5 litre batch - I reckon that'd give you an idea of the difference it makes without risking overpowering the beer; you could always ramp it up in future brews if you don't think its added enough umph.

Alternatively if your a brewdog fan then throw the whole packet in....:-(
I too have just started the AG brewing, but a few more days away before I dry hop. Previously when I was doing kits I would used 50g of hops for 21L in the FV. Seemed a pretty good amount and hop kick for my liking and I quite like a hoppy beer.
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Definitely go for around 10g for a 5l batch. You can always add more next time, but you can't take them out if it's too hoppy for you. I dry hopped my recent brew with 20g in a 10l batch and the one before that was 15g in a 10l batch.