Air locks

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Active Member
Oct 28, 2008
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Every brew I make this happens; The fermenter lid puffs right up but the airlock doesn't bubble, I don't understand how there can be enough pressure to blow the lid up but not make the airlock bubble. They're not blocked cos after I've racked the brew into a carboy I've checked the air locks, they seem fine. The brew ferments out no problem.
Its puzzling me; I need answers!!
Errhhm...sounds like the air's escaping from somewhere else - it must be. Get your vessel, put a strong sanitizing solution in there if you use powdered sanitizer, put the airlock in and give it a shake, then listen for holes.

If you find anything, it's probably time for a new FV. On the plus side, sounds like it hasn't caused a problem!
Its always done it Rob, It baffles me, cos surely even gases were escaping another way, if the pressure is high enough to push the lid up, its high enough to make the air lock bubble. It's not really causing a problem other than baffling me!!
Il bet your lid seal is not tight, i had one that snapped tight but the airlock stayed level all the time. the mild pressure test suggested above will tell you,,
If the lid was leaking it wouldn't be puffed up- the pressure would escape through the leak
I dunno.. try RobWalkers test that will tell you. i have been deceived by a soft poly lid before

is your airlock in a bung? if the stem is cracked in the bung ? any hairline cracks along the seams of the airlock stem?

1 thing we can all probably agree on is that your fermenting beer is gonna create more gas than your bin can hold and if the gas isnt going thru the airlock its going through some other route that offers less resistance.

either that or its shy n waitin til your out of the room to blow.
Joe said:
If the lid was leaking it wouldn't be puffed up- the pressure would escape through the leak

It would still puff up the lid will hold a certain amount of pressure ( enough for the lid to puff up) then will give and a small amount of gas will be expelled from the leak so the lid will not appeare to be any different. But trust me if it's a snap on lid just leave it air will escape and you don't have a magic air lock that doesn't bubble.

My new Young's barrel from Wilko's won't even puff up the lid!
I'm sure it's leaking around the rim.
Not worried about it - the beer will be okay.
But I like it to bubble so I can monitor how it's doing.

If it's not the lid rim, try PTFE tape around the airlock stem maybe.