Are plastic pressure barrels only available as 5 gallon?

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Active Member
Aug 13, 2013
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Simple question - I appreciate that here are a variety of metal "mini-keg" systems available, but why is the standard plastic pressure barrel only available in a 5 gallon size?

Fermenting buckets come in a very wide variety of sizes (5, 10, 15, 25, 30 etc) - so why does no-one manufacture smaller size (& cheap) plastic pressure barrels with standard size taps? A 2.5 gallon barrel would be ideal.

Or do they? ...

Even better if they were designed to be stackable - to make a "clip-together" tower with different brews on tap ...

Surely it would also reduce the issue of having to add CO2 to improve the flow from a less than half-full 5 gal barrel?
i have seen 2.5 or 3 gallon ones but they are only £10 cheaper that the 5 gallon ones

i have 5 of the 1gallon easy kegs and 1 more on its way
Thanks for your replies.

I'm still at the newbie stage (currently have my first brew at the secondary FV stage and started the second one last night).

I've got a couple of new 5g barrels so far - one with just the standard safety valve and one with a CO2 "bulb" connector. Apologies for the newbie questions - but I assume the one with the standard valve can't be "topped up" with CO2 so (unless I change the lid) won't keep the beer as long? Also - are those CO2 bulbs "one shot" (ie the seal is broken with the pin / can't then be stopped) - & you just add the whole bulb to the barrel when needed?

Re the mini-keg solution - does this not work out incredibly expensive, as you need to buy a £38 tap for each keg?
(PS - love your picobrew idea, maybe I will aim to progress to this after a few more kits!)
there are 2 types of 5L kegs . and mini keg (need a tap) or easy keg (with a built in tap)

i have the easy kegs you can use them like a bottle/5g keg. prime with sugar and when your ready to drink it open the tap and enjoy. if you want to go down the mini keg.
i would by the bits on there own and not in a kit
x3(dont have to use the beerking tap if you have primed it )

both set ups are the same price give or take £1
Can easy kegs keep the beer for many weeks even when pints are being drawn / reused multiple times / don't need CO2 added?

(Sorry - just seen the link details so have answered the question already!)

I guess the negative with this system is that the beer only keeps for a few days one a mini-keg is opened - unless the £38 dispenser is added / so can only have one keg open at any one time - so can't have a "choice" of beers available at any time?
my beer keeps for a week or more once opened . i vent the keg pour a pint and and close the vent then you keep a layer of co2 on the beer to stop it going off .

the kegs dont last for ever but can be used 4+ times each. the top bung might need replacing

iv drinking an ale that i kegged 2+ months ago and its fine.

if your not sure if you will get on with them tesco sell them full of beer for £16ish
The longest I have left it for in the mini keg is 6 months maturation. Was the best yet! I actually tapped one, forgot about it, found it two months later and it was still great.

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