Bulldog, Evil Dog Double IPA

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How much extract do you get in the Young's kits? I was impressed with the 4kg that came with evil dog, probably part of the reason it's so lethal
Not sure mate,think its 3 or 3.3kg ? Sure someone will correct me.
I have done the Festival and Coopers IPA and just fancied the sound of the Amber Ale.
To be honest,mostly all the kits are good ! My homebrew addiction isnt going away anytime soon
Nope, mine neither - just trying to find places to put it all at the moment, apart from down my throat (^_-)
I'm going to be brewing this one for my first ever homebrew attempt. I'm planning to start it just before I go away on holiday for 18 days and then add the hops for a couple of days when I get back before bottling. Thing is, the kit instructions say that it should only be 8 - 15 days fermentation before bottling, so I was wondering if I'll do it damage leaving it fermenting too long, like making it less fizzy or something? If it's better to keep an eye on it I'll just leave it for when I get back from hols. Don't want my first brew to be a dud :)
It'll be fine binnster - I've been leaving my beers to ferment for at least 3 weeks before priming and bottling/kegging. From what I've learned it gives the yeast time to clean up after itself.

If you're after a more aromatic beer, or it on to brew before you go, then hop when you get back. It's an awesome beer, give it a month to condition and you won't be disappointed
I wish I'd left mine another week before bottling it. But I'd already hopped it so I couldn't.
Clearing well in the bottle though after 1 1/2 weeks.
I'm looking forward to opening one in a month!
Been in the barrel a while now, not what I was expecting but very potent - almost...snakebite like in flavour and lethality.
hey guys, looks like my primary fermentation has finally finished so i'm ready to dry hop and keg / bottle. does anyone have any advice on how long i should leave the hops in for maximum aroma?

I'm trying to work out if 12 / 24 / 36 hours would be best!

I have had this kit today as a present :)
I use a brew fridge and a youngs sealed fermenting bucket, not had issues with it as of yet but reading previous posts I see it goes off very vigorous but I don't have an airlock in it and being a sealed lid will I have issues with this kit blowing off lid on fermenting bucket?
hey Neddy,

you've just described my exact set up and i'm sorry to say yes, the lid got blown off my Youngs FV. i bottled today and i dont think i got an infection but i'd be prepared to clean up a bit if i were you....
I also found that adding hops as per instructions didn't add the massive armoma i was hoping for, next time i'll be using sanitised tongs to squeze the hop bags before i bottle as once i fnished and wrung them out the 'tea bags' released an amazing smell...

could be wrong but so far it's a very strong, mediceinal tasting brew that needs the floral hops to level the high abv....

reading this thread a month to condition should mellow it somewhat but i guess there's no hiding that it's a 7-8% beer...

Thanks for the info. I guess ill have to keep an eye on it. I was thinking of adding the hops after fermenting stage when I transfer to next fv for clearing for a week
Just done the first hydrometer test after 18 days in the FV & it's reading 1.010 which means with my OG of 1.060 it is coming in at a lower than expected 6.56abv.....trial jar had a nice taste tho!

I was hoping to add the hops today & bottle on Sunday but I'll check again tomorrow to see if it has dropped further.
Put mine in the secondary last night og 1064 FG 1006. Cleared already so will likely force carb tomorrow. Although those that tasted it like it un Carbed.
Bottled mine today, coming in with an abv of 6.8-6.9.
The smell & taste even at this stage was incredible.
Really looking forward to drinking this one :-)
Well I cracked one open tonight probably a bit too soon as it's only been in the bottle for just over 3 weeks.
Not sure about it at all the alcohol taste is way too overpowering.
I'm going to leave it another couple of weeks before I try another I just hope it mellows.
New to home brewing and decided to start with the Evil Dog IPA kit.

Today is day 17 and thought I would take a look and a gravity reading.

Gravity started at 1.061 and now down to 1.012 so still a little bit to go to hit the 1.008-1.010 as recommended by the kit.

Problem I have is basically at this stage i'm unsure what the fermenting should look like so I took a couple of pics, no.1 before taking a sample for gravity reading, no.2 after taking my sample for the reading and 3 and 4 the current colour.

I had a taste and it tasted fairly fruity the other half thought towards a cider flavour which I have read is not good. I know I did have to cool my initial wort slightly for an hour to 24' before pitching my yeast.

Any advice if i'm heading in the right direction and if any thoughts on the slight cidery taste.

Thanks in advance

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Had my evil dog on for 10 days now og was 1070 as I brewed it 22.5l checked it at 8 days like and it seemed to have stopped at 1050 but opening the top kicked it into over drive, it's at 1010 with no signs of stopping.
