carbonation question..

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Active Member
Apr 6, 2012
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I recently moved a brew to a keg for secondary ferment with 80g dextrose. There doesn't seem to be any carbonation (quality control after a week, I know its early but I only took an inch) I thought I might have a leaky keg as air seemed to enter via the tap, so I thought I'd pop a cylnder of co2 in and sure enough I could hear it "escaping" for a few minutes after but unfortunately could not trace the leak, the cap seems fine. What do you think I should do, move it to bottles and reprime those or just let it be. The brew tastes fine, just flat.
you could try once more with the co2 and this time get some sprayer with some water and some washing up liquid in it and spray everywhere with it , it should bubble where its leaking . I had 1 leak cuz the rubber on the release valve had shot off (inside) and it was floating in the brew , i had to get a replacement rubber and unscrew and re gas ... all was well after that , if not yeah you could pop brew into clean re primed FV and bottle just avoid splashing etc
Quality control would suggest all is well, beer clearing nicely and carbonating nicely too, praise the good lord!