Getting Started with 1st ever attempt

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New Member
Oct 6, 2011
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I am trying to make a simple pear and apple cider. I am doing this by pressing the fruit to get the fresh juice but I am unsure of the ratios of juice to sugar and yeast. Ive had a look around but I havent really found anything to help me with this.
One of the admins will probably move this to the discussion board as it's not a how to guide :p

How much are you wanting to make in pints/litres/gallons and what kind of alcohol percentage would you be wanting ?
Sorry for posting in the wrong section. I am looking for an alcohol percentage of anywhere from 5 - 6%. I have bought a cider kit that come with a can of condensed apple juice but I do not want to use this as I have excess fruit to be used up. The instructions are to use 1kg of sugar to make 40pints, but that is for concentrated juice not fresh.

I dont know how much juice that pressing will yield so I am looking for a rough ratio guide( or an example and i can work out the ratio myself)
As your using apples it's hard to know what their sugar yeild is. When you have juiced them and take your Hydromiter Reading aim to these numbers as a rough guide.

1.040 = 5%
1.045 = 6%

Should be accurate enough :)

With regards to yeast a tea spoon should do for anything under 25 Litres.


Thank you.

I haven't found anything that simple online. Should make all the difference for em going forward.

Thanks again

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