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New Member
Nov 14, 2010
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First post so I hope I can get some help.

I have 290 pounds of apples I am pressing tomorrow to make a hard cider.
A healthy mix of 7 different apple types from Nova Scotia. Mac 80lbs), Cortland (80lbs), Jonagold (40lbs), Russet(10lbs), Empire(20lbs), Gravenstein(40lbs) and Cox Orange Pippin(20lbs).

Once I get the juice pressed my plan is...

In primary fermenter...
Add 4 camden tablets per 23 litres of juice.
1/2 tsp Tannin per 23 litres.
After 24-36 hours add Champagne Yeast Packet. One Per 23 litres
Let sit in primary fermenter for 5-7 days.
Transfer to secondary fermenter with airlock for 3-6 months.
Run thought a filter, bottle, wait 1 month, enjoy.

I do not plan on using any added sugar. I am not planning on using a yeast starter or yeast nutrient.

Any thoughts on this process. Is there anything wrong with my times lines and additives?
I am hoping for a 5.5-9% alcohol content. Am I going to need to add sugar to get to that content?
Any concerns about not using yeast starter or yeast nutrient?
Lastly I am considering also adding some type of potassium sorbate a week before bottling. Is this a good idea or a terrible idea?

I guess what I am looking for are my mistakes that could ruin this batch and if you were me what changes would you make to this process to increase probability for success?
Welcome to the Forum.
Not a lot of point in adding campden tablets until the ferment is over as you will lose all your SO2.
You might not need the tannin as you are using "real" apples.
If you are looking for an ABV of 9% you will need an OG at around 1068.
1kg sugar will increase the gravity of 1 litre by 390 points.
If you add Potassium Sorbate you will not be able to bottle condition.
Why not just pitch your yeast immediatly after pressing?
Apple juice does not need yeast nutrient.
Best of luck, hope all turns out well :thumb:
Adding the campden tablets first to kill any bacteria or natural yeasts.
Adding tannin because none of the applies I am using are crab or Astrigent apples.
Will wait to see the OG before adding sugar, thanks for the tip.
Pinching the yeast after a day to make sure the campden tablets do their thing.

So you think it would be better to ad Yeast asap.
Wait until fermentation is over 1-2 weeks and then add campden tablets and transfer to secondary fermenter?
It would appear that you know a weeshy bit more than you are letting on!

Adding the campden tablets first to kill any bacteria or natural yeasts.
When using apples, I spray with 1% Sodium metabisulphite solution at the crushing stage, mainly to stop the apples going brown with oxidation.

Adding tannin because none of the applies I am using are crab or Astrigent apples.
Here I have to bow down to your superior knowledge, but I think that your AJ will have more than enough acid content not to need tannin.

Will wait to see the OG before adding sugar, thanks for the tip.
Pinching the yeast after a day to make sure the campden tablets do their thing.
See above!

So you think it would be better to ad Yeast asap.
The sooner the ferment starts the sooner you have protection

Wait until fermentation is over 1-2 weeks and then add campden tablets and transfer to secondary fermenter?
You need CT's post ferment to act as an anti oxidant and preservative.
1 CT per 4.5ltrs will give you 50ppm SO2.
I am no dummy I tells ya. I spent a good 40 hours over the last two weeks reading and re-reading everything I could get my hands on. Call center jobs make it easy to do so.

Built a press yesterday with no blue prints.
Crushed the apples on the press today.
Got 70 litres juice from 290lbs, a little less than I expected but its all good. Roughly 1.05-1.052 for OG so that should suffice for my cider boozing needs.

Will add campden tabs tonight, wait 24 hours and add the yeast.
Ferment... wait... re-campden and move it to the secondary.

Thanks for the help, its much appreciated.

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