help, ive got nothing fermenting!!

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Feb 28, 2010
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Brierley Hill, West Mids
Well, racked and fininged everything that was fermenting Saturday (much to my suprise!) so now i have nothing going.

Think the main reason is i dont know what to brew next. I havent found anything yet that i really really like. I have yet to try the strawberry ribena and tea bag wine as they are only just clearing.

Any suuggestions on what i could try next?? I want to do a proper Elderflower but their not due yet!
You could always get yourself some dried Elderflowers.
Or even get out there and get yourself some Dandilions and give Dandilion wine a go. If you start one now it should be ready for drinking at Christmas.
Or even get out and find yourself a Oak tree and have a go at making a Oak Leaf wine.
Tinned fruit wines, will only cost you a couple of quid.
Pineapple wine, again will only cost you a couple of quid.
The list of things you can make is endless.

If you havnt already got one i would suggest getting yourself
a coppy of C.J.J Berry First steps in wine making, ther are plenty of recipes in there, some are good and some i wouldnt even concider making.
ive got CCJ Berry's book, Moley gave me his old one.

Im waiting for fresh elders, not gonna buy dried, seems silly. Have thought about Hawthorn but there not quite out here yet. Im going on Holiday in a few weeks aswell so bit worried about starting something now that will need attention when im not here.

Ill have a think and a look through the book. Was thinking about parsnip but i just dont know. Not done a country wine before so a bit nervous
How about an Apple & Elderflower drink 1ltr + 1ltr WGJ + 700g sugar + nutrient + champagne yeast, its fast and very pleasant and can even be bottled for priming, substitute any other juice for A&E for various results :grin:
Not the only one with nothing fermenting. So much that I've turned the power off on my homebrew cupboard for the first time in 3 months. What am I thinking??

Got quite a lot of stuff to start bottling etc. Currently enjoying any of my three beer brews, a bit of elderflower cider, or my homebrew Amaretto, maybe some strawberry cider, or that Rose, or that good white or that ... haha you get the idea !

Still going for that Ribena wine quite soon thou. It looks like good fun :D Also considering a big batch of one of the really good wines i've done. So 23litres, just need 30 wine bottles ready .... :|

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