Kveik yeast and cold crashing

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Oct 13, 2020
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Hi, got my first brew with Kveik yeast just finishing in the fermenter right now. I brewed last Saturday (its now Wednesday) and fermentation seems to have finished (need to confirm with FG reading). I'll like to keg the beer so I can brew again this Saturday, so if I start to cold crash tomorrow (Thursday) and keg on Saturday to free up the fermenter for another brew that day is that all too fast even for Kveik? i.e. one week from pitch to keg?

It's Hornindal if that makes a difference and I fermented at 32C NOT under pressure. Thanks.
Thanks. I just want to free up the fermenter so can condition in the Keg for as long as it needs. I'll check if I've hit FG yet and if I have will set to cold crash until Saturday. Not looking after a fully clear beer, should be a bit hazy, but just want the solids to drop out.
Good, thanks. It’s in the keg in the coolest corner of my garage waiting for my lager to finish lagering so I can chill it down and start drinking it!!
How does kveik handle cold temps? Some yeast will struggle to come back after a cold crash at sat 3c for a day or two.
How does kveik handle cold temps? Some yeast will struggle to come back after a cold crash at sat 3c for a day or two.
I think it can handle them- I haven't been cold crashing the beer until it's been bottled for a week or so, but I have used yeast from the dregs of bottles that have been in the fridge for a while and had the kveik work fine. I can't remember the strain, I think it was Midtbust. I can't comment on the others because I don't usually save yeast that way.