Lemon, rosehip, hibiscus, raspberry - Brew stinks

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Active Member
Apr 5, 2020
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I've been making a hard pink lemonade and recently put it in to secondary and added rosehip, hibiscus, raspberry. It's been bubbling away nicely.

Only trouble is, it smells. It's not a strong smell, as in I need to put my nose to the airlock to smell it, but when I do it isn't pleasant. I'm really not sure how to describe the smell. Does anyone have any insight? It smelt fine when it was just the lemon, water, sugar, yeast in primary.
Does it smell like rotten eggs?

If the answer is yes it'll more than likely be stressed yeast did you add any nutrient?
Does it smell like rotten eggs?

If the answer is yes it'll more than likely be stressed yeast did you add any nutrient?
I added a small amount of nutrient in primary, none in secondary.
I guess it could be somewhat like rotten egg.
If you can only smell it when near the DJ i would say itll be fine some members have reported stinking the room out with bad cases.
If you can only smell it when near the DJ i would say itll be fine some members have reported stinking the room out with bad cases.
Okay great. No need to add more yeast nutrient you don't think?
I think I may have added too much rosehips, which probably isn't helping the matter.
Perhaps I've added too many rosehips?

Sorry i haven't a clue, I make my wine from supermarket juice or kits i am way too lazy to pick and go through the hassle of making proper wine, juice wine turns out well and turnaround is quick, have a look at this if you haven't read it - How to make Supermarket Juice Wine - HERE.
Rosehips are not the cause,So you can relax about that
It should clear on its own.

I have answered several threads about this and it all normally ends ok.

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