passion fruit

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Sep 24, 2013
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Hi Guys

New to the forum, and not very experienced when it comes to wine making, I have had a look round and there doesn't seem to be any threads for passion fruit.
Just wondering if its all that suitable ? , I have a plant that will probably yield about 1/2 to a kilo, so I was thinking about a mix with something else apple or pear maybe, your advice very much appreciated to a bit of newbie.

I've only made it from the juice from Sainsburys
It tastes really good, it hasn't fermented to dryness so is still fairly sweet and has retained a strong Passion Fruit flavour. It'll be a lovely summer drink next year.

If I were to make it from the fruit, I'd follow my recipe in this thread for mango wine I'm not sure what weight of Passion Fruit per gallon though, I suppose it depends how sweet they are.
Hi Duncs

Thanks for the links certainly check out Jack Keller's, you have made up my mind think I will go with the grape juice concentrate and if need be passion fruit juice , for this year anyway.

just wondered if this looks balanced if not ill get me coat

5ltr demijohn
700g pressed passion fruit
300g raisins
800g concentrated grape juice
1lt passion fruit juice
500g sugar
dry white wine yeast

Is that concentrated grape juice

or grape juice from concentrate?

If it's the first, 800g will be far too much for 5 litres, the 220g bottle would do nicely. But if it's the grape juice, that sounds about right.

I know that passion fruit can be very acid, you may want to test your fruit for that. If it's too acid, you could add some Acid Reducing Solution.
I was thinking of the concentrated grape juice (the former), I now realise that would have been a big mistake I haven't understood the difference, should have read about wurzel before getting into this :doh: in regard to the acidity of the fruit and testing I have used ph. strips to test my beer and water, I take it that's is way I should be going?

Got to say I am a bit down at this moment I have Elderberry on and I have made the same mistake :oops: there's one word that comes readily to mind dipstick.

ill get my coat

Call it elderberry port, I'm sure it'll be fine :thumb: If it doesn't ferment dry enough, you could always add another gallon of water and some raisins. That just means more wine :drunk:

As for the acidity test, the ph strips sound good. I have quite a bad case of acid reflux, so I test by drinking some, if I get heartburn, I know theres too much acid in the fruit :lol: PH strips would be the better option :tongue:
hang on a tick. What kind of passion fruits do you have? If its the common passionflower (that grows like mad everywhere) its insipid. Rubbish to eat, even worse for wine. Given the amount of passion fruit you would need for a gallon of wine (passiflora edulis - the type in the supermarket) it is expensive. I tried it, and to be honest it was bloody gorgeous but cost a fortune! Try a pineapple WOW varient and add a ltr of passionfriut to it. Pretty close :cheers:
Many years ago, my Dad, God rest his soul, used to make among other things a sparkling passion fruit wine.
To my mind this was the best wine I have ever tasted. It is my intention, when my wine making skills improve, to try and emulate this as I live where passion fruit grows like a weed.
We have both the golden passion fruit and the black passion fruit. I find the golden less acidic so will probably go for them.
Will keep you posted