Police call off search.

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Active Member
Aug 18, 2012
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Telford, Shropshire
Essex police call off search for unicorn after concluding photo was of a goat

Police in Essex investigating reports of a unicorn being spotted in a field have called off the search and admitted that the photo they had received was “almost certainly a goat.”

The animal was seen near Earl Hall Drive in St Osyth, near Clacton-on-Sea, by a four year old girl on holiday with her parents. Lucy Jones saw a white animal with four legs in the distance, and a unicorn “was the first thing that came to mind.”

Essex Police said about 25 officers were called to where the animal was seen, including some specially trained in mythology and a slightly strange old man who swears he used to ride unicorns through the forest when he was a boy.

Officers decided to call off the search on Monday after no trace of a mythological, horse-like creature was found.

A police spokesman said: “Having looked again at the photo after our search failed to turn anything up we are now pretty confident that it’s a goat, which will pose no threat to members of the public.”

Colchester Zoo

Police said their initial lines of enquiry focussed on nearby Colchester Zoo, but there were no reports of a unicorn having escaped.

“The photograph shows an animal in a field. It is a white colour, but the photography is of such poor quality it’s difficult to say with any degree of certainty that it’s a unicorn. And I’m sure that the horn has been drawn on in crayon,” said Anthony Tropeano, Zoological Director of Colchester Zoo who visited the scene.

On Sunday night police had advised residents to stay indoors, but on Monday they said people should “go out and enjoy themselves” but “be on the lookout for fictional horses with a single large horn”

The spokesman said a circus had been in the area recently but added: “Officers have spoken to the circus and confirmed that they do not have an animal missing, nor do they have any unicorns.”

“They did however say that they had seen a large number of clowns searching a field near where they had been, but they were not associated with the circus.”
why is it all these sightings are by 1 person., alone, or idiots ( or all three ) who never seem to have a decent mobile camera phone about their person are are usually heavily intoxicated.
Its like the visits of extra terrestrial beings, they always occur in out of the place backwoods type places ( usually in the deep south of North America strangely... see my description above )
This world is chocablock with towns cities large conurbations but nothing ever " flies " across the skyline here.
Although having been in the police for 30 plus years I've met many many folks reporting pink elephants green monsters and what have you or even admit to being abducted and escaped form green three eyed men, especially when their wives have discovered them arriving home very late from a " session "
There is a maine coon cat which I sometimes see in a rural are near work, it is massive but I recognise it as the domestic species of cat it is.

There were rumours of a "Big Cat" not far from there and I do wonder if others have made the easy mistake.
at 0300 hours in the morning in a city centre, as a policeman it was never the escaped wild animals that frightened me !!
Jeltz said:
There is a maine coon cat which I sometimes see in a rural are near work, it is massive but I recognise it as the domestic species of cat it is.

There were rumours of a "Big Cat" not far from there and I do wonder if others have made the easy mistake.

A few years ago there were rumours of a big cat about 2 miles from my house :shock:

One evening I was having a ciggy in the back street and thinking that if it was true then my house would be in easy range. At the precise moment of that thought a local feral moggie let out a noisy screech from under the car I was stood next to. :mrgreen:
When I climbed down from the garage roof I had leapt onto and my heart rate had returned to normal........
why is it all these sightings are by 1 person.,

Apparently in the official report, A police spokesperson claimed that between 2 and 6 people spotted the Thing .
I don't know what this number is that is between 2 'n' 6. Maybe its code for go,go,go.
"When I say something completely incomprehensible, brake the door down, Go,go,go" says plod. "What door?" says another.
"Dunno" "seen it in a film" says plod.
Damned if they do and damned if they don't. Faced with idiots who don't know the difference between a Maine coon and a lion, and who swear blind that what they saw was definitely the latter, imagine the detritus that would have hit the fan if a real lion had gobbled up a couple of kids and/or a granny.