Razorback IPA

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2021
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Just cracked open the first bottle of this and I have to say it's excellent, full of pine and citrus flavour, lovely deep colour and a fantastic mouth feel to it. It was in the bucket for just over 2 weeks and upon taking the FG it had achieved the 5.7% advertised. I've purposely left it since I bottled on the 4th May to see how it turned out and I have to say it's a lovely drop that you could quite happily quaff all night but a 5.7% I suspect I may be a bit merry later on. Highly recommended to anyone. Cheers 🍻


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looks a lovely beer and a great glass too, shame the Spiegelau glasses are so thin and fragile!
It's a great beer and yes the Spieglau glass is very fragile, I hand wash it only and only use it when the kids are in bed. I've had there tasting set of glasses for 2 years now, all 4 are still with me.
This is not the first time I've made this kit so I know what I'm doing. When I poured the extract into the FV it had more of a deep coppery colour rather than a rich amber colour to it. More or less finished fermenting now and when I took a sample to check SG its decidedly brown in colour rather than the golden amber I have had before. I don't believe that its anything I have done wrong as it had this reddish coppery shade from the start. Does anyone have any clue what might be going on here? I have added the hops and will give it a taste in a few days but I'm not feeling too optimistic about this one.
Great kit this, done it a few times. Lovely English style IPA perfect for a summer drink.
Delicious IPA. I added 2 big tins of mango pulp and 500g lactose on day 4 and the result was superb. Whole batch vanished at 1 BBQ. There were a few of us not just on my own 😉
This is not the first time I've made this kit so I know what I'm doing. When I poured the extract into the FV it had more of a deep coppery colour rather than a rich amber colour to it. More or less finished fermenting now and when I took a sample to check SG its decidedly brown in colour rather than the golden amber I have had before. I don't believe that its anything I have done wrong as it had this reddish coppery shade from the start. Does anyone have any clue what might be going on here? I have added the hops and will give it a taste in a few days but I'm not feeling too optimistic about this one.
Probably not related, but, I had the bright idea of warming the tin up on the induction hob to soften the malt prior to pouring it out.

Now, it worked very well and was quicker than sitting it in hot water for 5-10mins to extract the extract from the tin. However, even though I had the heat very low and it wasn't for long, there must have been enough localised overheating at the bottom of the tin to cook some of the malt into a more caramelised form resulting in an almost porter like beer. It wasn't bad to be honest, I've even considered doing it again deliberately, it was just not what I was expecting at the time.

My only idea for an unexpectedly dark beer?
Probably not related, but, I had the bright idea of warming the tin up on the induction hob to soften the malt prior to pouring it out.

Now, it worked very well and was quicker than sitting it in hot water for 5-10mins to extract the extract from the tin. However, even though I had the heat very low and it wasn't for long, there must have been enough localised overheating at the bottom of the tin to cook some of the malt into a more caramelised form resulting in an almost porter like beer. It wasn't bad to be honest, I've even considered doing it again deliberately, it was just not what I was expecting at the time.

My only idea for an unexpectedly dark beer?
Thanks for this. My suspicion is that it has been stored at too high a temperature and it was only a few months until its use by date. Anyway, it's bottled now so I'll see how it tastes in a month or so.
Just tried my Razorback & must say its a lovely pint. Its been in the bottles for 3 weeks but I couldn’t resist any longer! Only thing is it hasn‘t cleared & is quite hazy. Is this normal for this kit?
Hi folks. Mine has been fermenting away for the last two days, but I wanted to query the smell emanating from the fv. I think it's quite sharp, almost grapefruit, moreso than any other previous fermentation I've experienced. My wife however thinks it's like cat sick or rotten eggs and wants it removed to the garage 😂
Now her first description I scoffed at, but rotten eggs sounds familiar. I thought this was down to the yeast and hopefully not an infection.

Any thoughts would be appreciated thanks.
Hi folks. Mine has been fermenting away for the last two days, but I wanted to query the smell emanating from the fv. I think it's quite sharp, almost grapefruit, moreso than any other previous fermentation I've experienced. My wife however thinks it's like cat sick or rotten eggs and wants it removed to the garage 😂
Now her first description I scoffed at, but rotten eggs sounds familiar. I thought this was down to the yeast and hopefully not an infection.

Any thoughts would be appreciated thanks.

Exactly the same has happened to me. I stared the brew on Tuesday, checked it last night after work and had a feint whiff. This morning though was much worse, cycling to work thinking I was going to have to tip the lot down the drain. Much happier now reading this thread.
Exactly the same has happened to me. I stared the brew on Tuesday, checked it last night after work and had a feint whiff. This morning though was much worse, cycling to work thinking I was going to have to tip the lot down the drain. Much happier now reading this thread.
One of my last brews (can't remember which one) made the utility room (where I ferment) smell of farts. A bit unpleasant for a few days, but it passed. Beer tasted delicious. It's just sulphur being driven out by the fermentation. Nothing to worry about. Never worry about dumping beer unless you taste the final product and it's off - most of the time it'll be fine. RDWHAHB.
Hi folks. Mine has been fermenting away for the last two days, but I wanted to query the smell emanating from the fv. I think it's quite sharp, almost grapefruit, moreso than any other previous fermentation I've experienced. My wife however thinks it's like cat sick or rotten eggs and wants it removed to the garage 😂
Now her first description I scoffed at, but rotten eggs sounds familiar. I thought this was down to the yeast and hopefully not an infection.

Any thoughts would be appreciated thanks.
It is easier if your wife moves into the garage.

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