Today's AG - Caledonian 80' - Worcester Hop Shop

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Dec 15, 2014
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Got this as an AG Kit from Worcester Hop Shop, along with a Jennings Cookahoop. It was a toss up which one to do first, but in the end I thought that this was probably more wintery.

The grains and hops all came packed separately, which was nice, and the attached sheet gave a full breakdown of the contents and timings(Graham Weaver recipe).

In terms of my method, I do BIAB with a dunk sparge. But today I am specifically working to trying to control the mash better. So, initially heated HLT to 80C, added 13Lt to insulated FV, adjusted temp down to 75C and added grain bag. I think this is giving me better control of mash temp - I got the 75C from the strike temp calculator on the homepage links.

Also, I filled the HLT will hot water from the combi boiler - this saved me a good half hour.

Worcester Hop Shop say mash for 90 minutes - everything I have read says that there are no benefits to this over a 60 minute mash. Even so, I went for a 75 minute mash....stirring vigorously every 20 minutes.

So mash was on at 9.15, it's 10.15 as I type now....and that is where I am up to!

So far so good. Really hoping to get a good efficiency - usually I am in the 70s, but the last brew (oatmeal stout) I was in the 40s and had to boost it with brew enhancer (thanks to Clibit and all for helping me out on that one).





No photos of the sparge - but I dunk sparged twice, vigorously stiring to get all the sugars out. The second sparge runnings came out at 1018 (adjusted for temperature), so it looks like a got most of the good stuff out.

Initial boil volume of 24 litres is right at the edge of what my domestic cooker can handle across 3 pans! Managed to get all three to boil at the same time (hurray!).

Once again, Worcester Hop Shop recommend a 90 boil - is there any point? Once again I will split the difference and go for 75 minutes.

First hop additions added as shown in the photo.

Looks a good colour. I did similar recipe earlier in the year and it turned out well, and by chance I just brought one of the final bottles up from the shed to drink this evening.
It's nice that they share the recipe with you so if you like the result you could recreate it using bulk purchased ingredients.
By the way, I usually do a 90minute mash and boil. Don't know if it affects the efficiency but it doesn't harm it anyway. Not that you actually have to stand around doing anything in doing either. 90 minutes is long enough to get a sensible amount of something else done - for example, last brew I did, while the mashing was going on I repaired a broken hay feeder for my sheep.
It's nice that they share the recipe with you so if you like the result you could recreate it using bulk purchased ingredients.
By the way, I usually do a 90minute mash and boil. Don't know if it affects the efficiency but it doesn't harm it anyway. Not that you actually have to stand around doing anything in doing either. 90 minutes is long enough to get a sensible amount of something else done - for example, last brew I did, while the mashing was going on I repaired a broken hay feeder for my sheep.

I ended up cleaning the house during the mash and boil. Might have to get some sheep for next time!


Meant to post upthread.

Cooling: due to boil off, I consolidated into two pans and was able to chill down to 28C in the sink - this took only 30 minutes (I think my technique is improving). Liquoring back took the temperature down the last few degrees to pitchable temperature.

When I first poured the wort into the FV, it looked like break material filled over 15 litres of the vessel! But this is slowly settling out it is currently showing at 4 litres and I think it will settle even more.

And gloves! This was the first time I have used marigolds when squeezing the hot grain bag. Makes it a lot easier.

All in all, I went from clean kitchen to clean kitchen in 5.5 hours. Happy with that!


2 weeks in FV and all activity has long ceased. OG 1045, FG 1008 giving around 4.9% before priming.

Moved off the trub to a fresh FV with sugar solution at the bottom, and bottled to 37 swing tops. Very little waste.

Loving the new bottle tree.

Good rich colour, already very clear and initial tasting is positive!

Waiting the next 3 weeks will be hard!





9 days in the bottle.

Couldn't wait! But this is the great thing about AG brewing! It's already great!

Obviously as an 80' it isn't one for the hop heads, but what a lovely malt flavour. Particularly good mouth feel.

I'm going to enjoy this one.

Happy Friday to all!


A note on your efficiency. I've read on some of the other threads on water treament that a softer water will give you a better efficiency - what's your water like? Hard or soft?

Nice looking result btw :thumb: