UK weather: Met Office issues yellow heat-health warning

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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
The Met Office has issued a yellow hot-weather warning to a number of regions across England for this weekend.

Temperatures are expected to reach nearly 30C (86F) in some parts.
Seven regions have been given the yellow warning, which means that the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions should take extra care.
The alert will stay in place until 09:00 BST on Monday.
Regions included in the warning are: London, the South East, the South West, the East and West Midlands, the East and Yorkshire and Humber.
Issued by both the Met Office and the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), the yellow warning states that the weather will be "unlikely to impact most people" but could have adverse consequences on "those who are particularly vulnerable".
The alert will be in place all weekend, and follows a heatwave that hit the UK earlier this month.
Dr Agostinho Sousa, who is head of extreme events and health protection at the UKHSA, said there would be "another sustained period of hot weather" in the coming days so "it's important that everyone takes sensible precautions while enjoying the sun".
He said the hot weather could "primarily impact" those aged over 65 and anyone with a pre-existing health condition.
The UKHSA advises everyone in affected areas to drink plenty of water, keep out of direct sun between 11:00 and 15:00 and draw the curtains in rooms facing the sun.
I am glad to see Its not going to get anywhere near that here i dont mind a sunny day but low 20's are enough for me.

Again? It's beev over 20 degrees here (during the day) since early May.

The record for June is 35.6C ashock1

Last week it was over 30C here on a couple of days and the rest were mid 20's, i feel sorry for those who have to work in the areas where its going to get to 30C this weekend, i am glad its not here ;)

Heatwaves: how unusual is it to get high temperatures in June?​

The heat is on, and it’s surprisingly warm across much of the UK for this early in the summer. So how unusual it is to get June temperatures into the 30s and why is hot weather so dangerous?

The UK’s hottest June day on record is 28th June 1976 with 35.6 °C at Southampton Mayflower Park. Maximum temperatures of 33 °C or more in June have occurred on less than 1 per cent of June days since 1961, with 34 °C or more registered just 5 times in June since 1961, mainly in the exceptional heat of late June 1976.

So reaching 33 °C or higher in June is really quite unusual for England and Wales, especially early in the month (and it has never happened in Scotland or Northern Ireland, where the maximum temperature records are 32.9 °C and 31.3 °C respectively). We didn’t see temperatures above 33 °C at all during 2021, the warmest it got was 32.2 °C at Heathrow on 20th July 2021. Getting a 33 in June hasn’t happened since 25th June 2020. The UK did reach 33 in June in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020, but all of them were after the 20th of the month.

As for 34 °C, the last time that was reached in June was in 2019 at Heathrow and Northolt on 29th June. In 2017, 34.5 °C was reached at Heathrow on 21st June. And during the 1976 heatwave, 34 °C or more was recorded at multiple sites on 3 consecutive days (26th to 28th June).

When it comes to earlier in the month, the UK has only reached 33 °C before the 20th of June on a handful of occasions, and 34 °C has only been seen before 20th June once, on 3rd June 1947.

Of course, while the thought of hot summer days gets everyone excited, the reality is not so great. According to Public Health England (PHE), temperatures above 25 °C are increasingly associated with excess summer deaths. Especially when an uncomfortably hot and humid spell of weather lasts for several days or even weeks.
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I was not designed for hot weather. Certainly not with the humidity we get anyway.
Same here.

The problem is we are not geared up for high temperatures , we have fans in the bedroom but they only help a bit I have been taking a frozen hot water bottle to bed and that is great but obviously if you wake in the night it's room temperature again.
I have been looking at portable air con units but I don't want to have the window open to get rid of the water they produce so was wondering if icould put the hose into a bucket and empty it regularly, I don't know if this would work as I don't know how much water they produce in 8 hours.
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I got one last year when it got to 36/38 or something ridiculous. Mostly for the daughter's room as she was only 18 months at the time and was worried about her room being too hot.

The vent is mostly for the hot air as they have water chambers for the condensation. It came with a crap plastic seal which is probably fine for sash windows, but with our casements meant there was a gap. You can get material ones for casements which create a proper seal and I'll probably look into them.

I did wonder if could vent into a sealed recepticle filled with, but reckon it would create a bit of pressure and possibly overwork the unit.
Ice cold food and drinks and air con helps though I only have air con in the car. Been having cold showers but that only cools for about half an hour. A ceiling fan in the bedroom is useful too and not as noisy as desk fans can be. I'm a big believer in drawing the curtains during the day to keep the sun out but that's not popular in the household. Opening windows more than a crack just lets too many flies in during the day and moths at night in my view. Not fun finding moth larvae crawling around in the spring
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Open the loft hatch and windows in the house in the afternoon. The hot air rises into the loft, out the air bricks and cooler air is drawn into the house.

Add a glow in the dark sticker to the loft hatch so you don't brain yourself going to the loo in the middle of the night
Open the loft hatch and windows in the house in the afternoon. The hot air rises into the loft, out the air bricks and cooler air is drawn into the house.

Add a glow in the dark sticker to the loft hatch so you don't brain yourself going to the loo in the middle of the night

I tried the loft hatch trick but felt like it was hotter air up there. New build EOT and not sure how modern membrane and cavity barriers might have had an effect on the heat retention. Also, millions of spiders who I'd have been instructed to take out of the house one-by-one.
I'm a big believer in drawing the curtains during the day to keep the sun out but that's not popular in the household.

Same here, i have lost count of the times i have asked SWMBO to close the curtains as the sun moves to the back of the house the kitchen is like an oven when i get home from work as she doesn't like the curtains closed during the day aheadbutt

Opening windows more than a crack just lets too many flies in during the day

OMG i am going to show SWMBO this post, i have been telling her for years if you open the window in the day all you are doing is letting flies in and as its 26C outside the house is not going to cool down.
Open the loft hatch and windows in the house in the afternoon. The hot air rises into the loft, out the air bricks and cooler air is drawn into the house.
It depends on the construction of your loft. If you went in ours in this weather for long you would be at risk of hyperthermia (I'm not even exaggerating)

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