Where did I go wrong?

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May 22, 2020
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Just finished brewing the maltmillers Community recipe Brunchmaster 2000 witbier. Instructions were a bit vague but I did the following
Started off with 18 litres in the mash but it wasn't enough so I added 2 more litres.
Recirculation was slow and I had to stir a couple of times. Eventually got a nice flow.
Mashed for 90 minutes as the instructions said 90-120, I contacted TMM and they thought that 60 would be enough but I went for 90 anyway.
I did a 60 minute boil and chilled to 80 and did a 30 minute whirlpool.
Chilled to what I thought was 20°C pitched yeast and transferred to the FV and took the reading of 1044
Inkbird said I was at 17°C. Would this temperature lose me 6 points as the recipe states OG at 1050.
I never been this far off before, any suggestions on where I went wrong please. Is it a case that I just get less alcohol or do I lose something else by missing my numbers?
I'm not too worried as I've probably still made a nice beer but I was wondering if I could have done something different.
By the way I'm using a 35 litre Brewzilla.
I would not think the 3 degrees difference would make a noticeable OG. I would just put it down to a poor efficiency, it happens to us all at times. You can add a little sugar if it really bothers you to raise the OG but I wouldn't bother it will down on ABV a little thats all
I would not think the 3 degrees difference would make a noticeable OG. I would just put it down to a poor efficiency, it happens to us all at times. You can add a little sugar if it really bothers you to raise the OG but I wouldn't bother it will down on ABV a little thats all
I was probably 1 litre short on the sparge as well as I only got 22 litres in the FV
I notice it had a high proportion of flaked wheat and am wondering if this contributed to an inefficient sparge.
Yep, my thoughts exactly.

@Libigage you say you're normally closer than this to the predicted OG.

First, it's not that big a deal, the final beer will just be slightly lower %ABV but doubtless will still be just as enjoyable.

Second I'm guessing the previous beers you've made don't have anything like that proportion of wheat (and oats), if any at all.

I've always found wheat, oats and also flakey barley are good at soaking up wort, this lowering your efficiency.

(Case in point - the recent hefeweizen I made had 60% wheat malt, and my efficiency normally pretty rock solid was 9% points lower)

One thing I've found that can help is to do a rest, about 15mins around 50-55degC.

But now you know what to expect - it's just a question of experience. Next time you make a witbier, hefeweizen or similar you can compensate by using a bit less water 👍🍻

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